Meghan Markle有2件婚纱吗?这就是公爵夫人凯特所穿的

Meghan Markle有2件婚纱吗?这就是公爵夫人凯特所穿的


但是我们没有 – 以及我们所有人迫切想要的 – 是Markle婚纱的任何独家新闻.

当然,保密的面纱似乎是合理的(一个惊喜的元素 对于有朝一日能生活在历史书中的礼服来说,这是好事,但这并没有阻止这种猜测.



最近的嗡嗡声?有消息称马克尔有望首次亮相,但是 她的大日子上的婚纱礼服.

“她将有两件礼服,一件用于仪式,一件用于晚装,”一位皇室消息人士告诉“名利场”。 “计划是让她在仪式结束后改变,以便她可以在一个迷人且不那么严格的东西中度过夜晚。…婚纱本身将是传统和优雅的。有谈论一些蕾丝和袖子和梅根有与已经宣誓保密的设计师密切合作。“

这个英特尔还没有被证实 – 但这是完全可能的。为免我们忘记,前凯特米德尔顿在2011年的婚礼上穿上了两件礼服给威廉王子.

图片: Image: Royal Wedding - Wedding Guests And Party Make Their Way To Westminster Abbey
前凯特米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)在2011年的婚礼当天走进威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey),戴着蕾丝Alexander McQueen礼服.Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images

当然,第一件是她在威斯敏斯特大教堂走过走廊的现代标志性Alexander McQueen连衣裙。蕾丝根刺的V形紧身胸衣激发了许多未来的连衣裙 – 即使是这款H&M连衣裙! – 来.

剑桥公爵夫人然后穿着不同的礼服到晚上的婚礼招待会。她穿着另一件亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)的作品,一件带束腰的缎面礼服搭配针织短上衣.

图片: Duchess of Cambridge, Duchess of Cornwall
公爵夫人凯特穿着另一件Alexander McQueen连衣裙参加她的婚宴.John Stillwell / AP

毕竟,为新娘换上一件礼服并不少见。以网球巨星塞雷娜威廉姆斯为例 她在2023年与Reddit联合创始人亚历克西斯·奥哈尼安(Alexis Ohanian)的婚礼中穿着不同的礼服。公爵夫人凯特自己的妹妹皮帕·米德尔顿(Pippa Middleton)也被传言在去年打结时穿了两件衣服。.

由于整个世界都被邀请从近处和远处惊叹于皇家婚礼,我们完全可以加入马克尔,让她最好的时尚前卫。毕竟,这个 今年的事件.



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  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    With the upcoming royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Kensington Palace public relations team is doing an excellent job of teasing details. We have a date, a venue, news about the guest list, a photographer, and even a Chinese theme for the wedding. However, what we all eagerly want but do not have is any exclusive news about Markles wedding dress. Of course, the veil of secrecy seems reasonable for a surprise element that will be recorded in history books, but it has not stopped the speculation.

    The latest buzz is that Markle is expected to make her first appearance in two wedding dresses, one for the ceremony and one for the evening reception. “The plan is for her to change after the ceremony so that she can spend the evening in something glamorous and less restrictive,” a royal insider told Vanity Fair. “The wedding dress itself will be traditional and elegant. There has been talk of some lace and sleeves, and Meghan has been working closely with a designer who has sworn to secrecy.”

    While this intel has not been confirmed, it is entirely possible. Let us not forget that Kate Middleton wore two dresses for Prince Williams wedding in 2011. The first was her modern iconic Alexander McQueen gown that she walked down the aisle at Westminster Abbey. The lace and corseted bodice with a V-neckline inspired many future dresses, even this H&M dress! The Duchess of Cambridge then changed into a different dress for the evening reception. She wore another Alexander McQueen creation, a satin gown with a cinched waist and a knitted shrug.

    After all, it is not uncommon for a bride to change into a different dress. Take tennis superstar Serena Williams, for example. She wore different dresses at her 2017 wedding to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. Kate Middletons sister, Pippa Middleton, was also rumored to have worn two dresses at her wedding last year.

    Since the whole world is invited to marvel at the royal wedding from near and far, we can fully join Markle in making her best fashion statement. After all, this is the event of the year.

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