Jennifer Lopez打开了关于“偶像”的节目,在46岁时找到了爱情并且看起来完美无瑕

Jennifer Lopez打开了关于“偶像”的节目,在46岁时找到了爱情并且看起来完美无瑕

Jennifer Lopez似乎无视衰老过程,看起来更加完美,因为她接近半个世纪的标记.





“我总是习惯听到这句话,直到你大约25或30岁,你得到上帝给你的脸,”她继续道。 “在那之后,你得到了你应得的面孔。而且我总是那么想,我最好是好的。“

相关:Jennifer Lopez与双胞胎Max和Emme谈话:’他们让我的生活更美好’



詹妮弗 Lopez'
南安普敦,NY – 7月25日:珍妮佛·洛佩兹出席她的生日庆祝在2015年7月25日的1OAK南安普敦在南安普敦市。 (摄影:Jerritt Clark / Getty Images)盖蒂图片


“有人可以增加你的快乐,但这不会让你快乐。我必须自己开心,“她说。 “这是一个学习曲线。我有一些很棒的爱,我相信我会有更多。“



Jennifer Lopez谈到’Shades of Blue’家庭生活,她的事业在40岁之后


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Jennifer Lopez is a true inspiration for many women around the world. Despite approaching the age of 50, she looks more perfect than ever, and she attributes this to the wise decisions she made when she was younger. She avoided the usual bad habits and took care of herself by playing well. Her success in both entertainment and fashion industries is a testament to her hard work and dedication. It is also admirable that she is open about her struggles in finding love and happiness, but she remains optimistic and determined to find the right match. Overall, Jennifer Lopez is a role model for women of all ages, and her story is a reminder that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Jennifer Lopezs secrets to looking young and beautiful even as she approaches her 50s. She attributes her youthful appearance to wise decisions she made when she was younger, such as avoiding sun exposure, alcohol, and smoking. She also credits her beauty to simply having fun and enjoying life. The article also touches on Lopezs personal life, including her struggles with finding love and her desire to get married again. Overall, the article provides an interesting insight into the life of a successful and iconic celebrity.

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