这是Hilary Duff华丽,发光的皮肤的秘密

这是Hilary Duff华丽,发光的皮肤的秘密

希拉里·达芙(Hilary Duff)拥有华丽的皮肤,无论是扮演“雅戈尔”中的角色,还是采取裸露的自拍照。这位30岁的明星将一些秘密泄露给她的光芒 – 从经典开始.


“我是一名老派的La Mer用户,”Duff告诉TODAY Style。 “我喜欢那种沉重的奶油。我非常喜欢我的脸。“

La Mer Moisturizing Cream,100美元,亚马逊


La Mer保湿霜

$ 100亚马逊


“有一个重要的发光,有一个用于治疗痤疮,还有一个用于深层皱纹,”她说。 “有眼油。而且我注意到用我的东西分层,让我的皮肤变得非常好。它实际上是非常有效的,他们有这些有趣的瓶子,所以我觉得像一个女巫混合我所有的魔药。“



$ 45亚马逊

完成Duff的治疗方案是Goop的眼霜。 “我很喜欢。但我是一个产品迷,如果有可爱的包装,我想,’是的,我会带两个!’“

Goop Perfecting眼霜,90美元,Goop


$ 90GOOP




$ 75丝芙兰

至于化妆,Duff喜欢在“Younger”的套装上使用Diorskin Star – 但是当她离开相机时会减少覆盖率.

“在我的日常生活中,我使用汤姆福特棒,因为我觉得我可以使用我的美容搅拌器,只是得到一些需要晚上出去的地方,然后我没有完整的基础,”她说。 “我使用Tom Ford的古色古香的肥皂刷。”



$ 85亚马逊

“我喜欢眉毛,”她继续道。 “我只是微微风靡我的眉毛,这是我生命中最大的改变者。但我仍然填写一点,我喜欢Glossier的Boy Brow。太奇妙了。我喜欢睫毛膏;我使用Smashbox Full Exposure。这是我最喜欢的;中午不会浑身发抖。“

Boy Brow,16美元,Glossier


$ 16个更有光泽

Smashbox Full Exposure睫毛膏,23美元,丝芙兰


$ 23丝芙兰


当谈到她的长锁时,达夫说,“每个R + Co产品都是我的最爱。”

“我对气味很挑剔,所以有时会让我对产品产生影响,”她说。 “我喜欢的这种发胶很轻,它叫做Blowpro。伙计们,不是最好的名字。但它闻起来像圣诞饼干,我对它很着迷。“



$ 18亚马逊




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Hilary Duff has gorgeous skin, whether shes playing a role in “Younger” or taking a bare-faced selfie. The 30-year-old star spills some secrets to her glow – starting with the classics. “Im an old-school La Mer user,” Duff tells TODAY Style. “I like that heavy cream. I really love my face.” The actress is also a loyal fan of the Odacité brands range of facial oils, targeting various issues. “Theres one for important glow, one for treating acne, and one for deep wrinkles,” she says. “Theres an eye oil. And I notice when I layer my stuff, my skin looks really good. Its actually very effective, and they have these fun bottles, so I feel like a witch mixing all my potions.” Duffs treatment plan is completed with Goops eye cream. “I love it. But Im a product junkie, so if theres cute packaging, Im like, Yes, Ill take two!” she adds. As for makeup, Duff likes to use Diorskin Star on the set of “Younger” – but reduces coverage when shes off-camera. “In my everyday life, I use Tom Ford stick because I feel like I can use my beauty blender and just get some coverage where I need it for going out at night, and then I dont have a full foundation,” she says. “I use Tom Fords old-school soap brush.” “My makeup routine has gone down,” Duff says, now that her son Luca is 6 years old. “I was good when I had a baby. Now Lucas older, I dont have time. Im like his glorified chef/driver/personal makeup artist.” When it comes to her long locks, Duff says, “Every R+Co product is my favorite.” “Im picky about smells, so sometimes that will sway me on a product,” she says. “I like this kind of hair gel thats light, its called Blowpro. Guys, not the best name. But it smells like Christmas cookies, and Im obsessed with it.” In addition to preparing for the fifth season of “Younger,” Duff is currently busy promoting a 20-minute spring project

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