从模特到墨菲布朗:Candice Bergen最时尚的时刻

从模特到墨菲布朗:Candice Bergen最时尚的时刻

几十年来,屡获殊荣的女演员坎迪斯·伯根(Candice Bergen)以其杀手锏风格给我们留下了深刻的印象。无论是打扮还是打扮,情景喜剧明星和周二在今天停下来的新作家,一直都是上课的画面。.

手表:新回忆录中的Candice Bergen:’我很胖’


康迪斯 Bergen
Candice Bergen和Chita Rivera在1987年的电影“五月花女士”中饰演.埃弗雷特收藏

不仅仅是她的服装推动了它 – 她的表演角色也是如此。在这里,卑尔根在1987年的电影“五月花女士”中使办公室穿着看起来很别致,在那里她演了一个社交名媛,提供高端护送服务。.

手表:Candice Bergen:’我经常表现得像我的角色’

康迪斯 Bergen with the cast of



卑尔根 in the 1968 film


卑尔根's in the 1967 movie



卑尔根 models for Chanel.


卑尔根 in 'Gandhi' in 1982.

这位女演员在1982年的电影“甘地”中rocks monochrome rocks in in in Ben Ben Ben’s’s’s’s’s’s’s’s’s’s’s“Ben Ben.

卑尔根手持相机,扮演现实摄影师Margaret Bourke-White的角色.

康迪斯 Bergen, 1965.
Candice Bergen,1965年.埃弗雷特收藏


卑尔根穿着层层叠叠的珍珠和粉彩,在2000年的热门喜剧“Miss Congeniality”中扮演了一位无情的选美导演。

如果我们谈论风格,我们不能忽略那时卑尔根是Vogue杂志的编辑。好吧,也许这只是在“欲望都市”中,但她作为Carrie Bradshaw强硬编辑的重复角色很难忘记。具有讽刺意味的是,卑尔根的女儿克洛伊马勒目前是时装月刊的编辑.


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    For decades, award-winning actress Candice Bergen has left a deep impression on us with her killer style. Whether its dressing up or dressing down, the sitcom star and now author who stopped by on Tuesday has always been a sight to behold. Lets take a look back at some of Bergens big-screen appearances and her most fashionable moments. Not only did her wardrobe push it – her performance roles did too. Here, Bergen makes office wear look chic in the 1987 film “Mayflower Lady,” where she played a socialite who provided high-end escort services. Bergens closet isnt all suits. Here, her take on the 1968 film “The Magician” is all about elegance, from the flower-adorned wide-brimmed hat to the matching umbrella. In 1967s “The Day the Fish Came Out,” Bergen played a blonde bombshell who turned heads in an annoying white dress. This was one of the actresss first films, in which she played a seductive archaeologists assistant named Electra Brown. If were talking style, we cant ignore the fact that Bergen was an editor at Vogue at the time. Well, maybe that was just in “Sex and the City,” but her recurring role as Carrie Bradshaws tough editor is hard to forget. Ironically, Bergens daughter Chloe Malle is currently an editor at a fashion magazine.

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