Cam Newton以惊人的金色斑马纹裤子开启超级碗周风格

Cam Newton以惊人的金色斑马纹裤子开启超级碗周风格

因为去超级碗不仅仅是任何旧的商务旅行,Cam Newton不会穿任何旧裤子.


凸轮 Newton
卡罗莱纳黑豹四分卫Cam Newton的裤子在周日抵达圣何塞参加超级碗比赛时引起轰动.查理里德尔/美联社

不仅任何人都可以穿着这些裤子,但在带领黑豹队以15-1的常规赛战绩并且击败两名季后赛对手达到超级碗50之后,可能的NFL MVP肯定有理由对自己有信心.

对于那些勇敢想要穿裤子的人来说,坏消息 – 范思哲在黄色斑马纹中称之为Accent Print牛仔裤并且会让你回到849美元 – 就是他们在网上销售一空,所以eBay可能是你最好的选择.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Cam Newtons pants caused a sensation when he arrived in San Jose for the Super Bowl on Sunday. The star quarterback of the Carolina Panthers wore a pair of wild Versace zebra print jeans, starting off the festivities for Super Bowl week with a bright and compact look. Not just anyone can wear these pants, but after leading the Panthers to a 15-1 regular season record and defeating two playoff opponents to reach Super Bowl 50, the possible NFL MVP certainly has reason to be confident in himself. Meanwhile, Newtons opponent, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, brought a more subdued style for the teams big game trip. It is speculated that his numerous suits can be purchased online and in stores.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Cam Newtons pants caused a sensation when he arrived in San Jose for the Super Bowl on Sunday. The star quarterback of the Carolina Panthers wore a bright and compact look, donning a pair of wild Versace zebra print jeans for the teams trip to California, kicking off the festivities of Super Bowl week. Not just anyone can wear these pants, but after leading the Panthers to a 15-1 regular season record and defeating two playoff opponents to reach Super Bowl 50, the possible NFL MVP certainly has reason to be confident in himself. Meanwhile, Newtons opponent, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, brought a more subdued style for the teams big game trip. It is speculated that his numerous suits can be purchased online and in stores.

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