Bobbie’s Buzz:建立自己的胸罩实验室和其他精明的风格购买

Bobbie’s Buzz:建立自己的胸罩实验室和其他精明的风格购买

从一个可以让你创造梦想胸罩的品牌到一个穿着汗衫的男士的智能风格解决方案,我们的TODAY Style Editor和“Professional Girlfriend”Bobbie Thomas分享了既实用又时尚的精彩购买.

Bobbie’s Buzz:创意文胸,可转换珠宝




寻找穿着春夏装的完美文胸可能很难。现在想象一下,如果你能够制作一个胸罩来立即满足你的需求。进入The Bra Lab,这个品牌旨在为您提供各种可能性的衣橱。将它分解为可以单独购买的三个独立元素,Bra Lab可以创造性地互换背带,杯子和肩带,而不会影响功能。您甚至不需要牺牲风格,因为如果需要,该系列可以被曝光。 (15美元及以上;


屡获殊荣的建筑师和室内设计师Luis Pons在制作金属雨灯时偶然发现了灵感。当创造互动“Uno Magnetic”系列的想法引发时,路易斯正在尝试用磁铁悬挂灯泡。简约而时尚的链条和磁性饰物组合提供了无数可定制的设计选择 – 从项链和手镯到头带,脚镯,戒指等等。此外,对于那些寻求减轻压力(ehh-emm)的人来说,这是时尚你可以坐立不安 – 个人奖金! (5美元以上;


对于许多男人来说,温暖的天气意味着说再见穿夹克和你好穿着轻薄的线号衬衫(即更薄更透明的上衣)。考虑到这一点,Sloane Men的隐形汗衫的设计与男士的肤色相似,与女性内衣相似。衬衫逐渐消失,留下更时尚的轮廓,没有袖子和领子的阴影,通常可以看到白色汗衫。这款柔软,透气,吸湿排汗的衬衫有三种独特的颜色选择 – 沙色,苏格兰威士忌和烟熏色 – 可帮助他穿越时尚的热浪。 (34美元;

我们的常驻样式编辑和The Power of Style的作者Bobbie Thomas在今天和Bobbie.com分享了关于美容,时尚等的热门话题。考虑一下她的女朋友,风格MacGuyver,以及她在内衣中看到的女性的维基百科。在Twitter,Facebook和Instagram上关注她.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses the latest fashion trends and innovative products that cater to different needs and styles. From convertible bras to magnetic jewelry and invisible undershirts for men, these items offer practicality and fashion-forward designs. The article also features Bobbie Thomas, a style editor and expert, who shares her insights and recommendations on beauty and fashion. Overall, the article provides useful information for those who want to stay updated on the latest fashion trends and products.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses the latest fashion trends and innovative products that cater to different needs and styles. From convertible bras to magnetic jewelry and invisible undershirts for men, these items offer practicality and fashion-forward designs. The article also features Bobbie Thomas, a style editor and expert, who shares her insights and recommendations on beauty and fashion. Overall, the article provides useful information for those who want to stay updated on the latest fashion trends and products.

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