Bob Harper重新焕发生机,与新的发型相匹配!

Bob Harper重新焕发生机,与新的发型相匹配!



“我想要改变,”哈珀写道。 “我非常喜欢……我的耳朵里有ICE而ICE在我头上!”

@nixface昨天拉了我的头发。我想要改变,我和@rupaulofficial和@michellevisage的会面很高兴我非常喜欢它。 Nidia不仅吸烟,而且她是天才!我的耳朵里有ICE,头上有ICE! ❄️❄️❄️

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他在“今日健康”杂志的一篇文章中写道:“我一直都是有些人会归类为A型人的。” “我被驱使,我一直专注。我知道我几乎每天都会锻炼……现在一切都不一样了。我的生活是欣赏和感激。这是关于平衡。“

“这不是为了大汗淋漓,绝对不会让小东西出汗,”他补充道。 “我知道生命会有多短暂。我知道一切都可以在眨眼之间被带走。“




哈珀在Instagram上展示了他的新面貌 – 搭配金属色调.


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Bob Harper对Megyn Kelly心脏病发作:’我死了9分钟’


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    Theres nothing like changing your appearance to celebrate a new chapter in your life, and Bob Harper seems to have done just that. The 52-year-old “Biggest Loser” trainer recently debuted a dramatic, icy blonde hairstyle on Instagram. “I wanted a change,” Harper wrote. “I love it…I have ICE in my ears and ICE on my head!” @nixface pulled my hair yesterday. I wanted a change and Im loving meeting @rupaulofficial and @michellevisage. Nidia not only smokes, but shes a genius! ICE in my ears, ICE on my head! ❄️❄️❄️ This new look is Harpers latest major change in the past year. In 2017, he suffered a near-fatal heart attack, which was a shock to those who have built careers around health and fitness. Since his heart attack, Harper says he has formed a whole new outlook on life. “Ive always been what some people would classify as Type A,” he wrote in an article for Today Health. “I was driven, I was focused. I knew I was going to work out almost every day…Now everything is different. My life is about appreciation and gratitude. Its about balance.” “Its not about sweating it out, its definitely not about making the little things sweat,” he added. “I know how short life can be. I know everything can be taken away in the blink of an eye.” Now, he doesnt push himself to do extreme workouts as often, but takes a more holistic approach to fitness, including hiking and yoga. Harper showed off his new look – complete with metallic tones – on Instagram. “My glasses match my hair,” he wrote. His icy locks were on display again in this photo. With his edgy new style, Harper definitely looks cool, confident, and ready for whatever life throws his way!

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