遇见Amal Clooney的华丽外表妹妹Tala Alamuddin

遇见Amal Clooney的华丽外表妹妹Tala Alamuddin


镇上有一位风格潇洒的新妹妹,而且是Amal Clooney的。 Tala Alamuddin本周在纽约市迎头赶上,她正在那里庆祝她的生日并拜访她的姐姐和姐夫George Clooney.

艾玛·克鲁尼(Amal Clooney)看起来很像妹妹在纽约市转过头来



阿迈勒 Alamuddin, Tala Alamuddin
Amal Alamuddin(左)于2014年9月7日在意大利佛罗伦萨参加意大利名人格斗之夜。 Tala Alamuddin(右)看到并在纽约市庆祝她的生日.Getty Images,PacificCoast News

还有一些人回忆起另一位着名的妹妹,她因为她的美貌和敏锐的风格引起了人们的注意:Pippa Middleton。公爵夫人凯特的小妹妹在皇室婚礼后成名,她的曲线拥抱伴娘礼服成为自己的明星.


阿迈勒 Clooney's look-a-like sister Tala Alamuddin takes a walk looking stylish in NYC
Amal Clooney看起来很像姐姐Tala Alamuddin在纽约市散步时看起来很时尚.飞溅新闻

自去年9月她和乔治打结(记得Oscar de la Renta连衣裙?)以及Tala对时尚的关注时,我们一直在为Amal的令人羡慕的衣橱流口水。本周她的服装比Amal,一位律师可能穿的更加前卫 – 想想流苏迷你裙和皮夹克,而不是她姐姐的单色西装和淑女连衣裙.

无论哪种方式,很明显,一种风格 – 和良好的基因 – 在家庭中运行.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Its interesting to see the similarities between Tala Alamuddin and her sister-in-law, Amal Clooney. The resemblance between the two sisters is striking, and some social media users even speculate that they might be twins. Talas fashion sense is also noteworthy, as she seems to have a more avant-garde style compared to Amals classic and elegant wardrobe. Its clear that good genes and a sense of style run in the family. Its also worth mentioning the comparison to Pippa Middleton, who also gained fame for her beauty and fashion sense. Overall, its fascinating to see how fashion and genetics can play a role in shaping ones public image.

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