

钉子贴花已经从童年的睡眠过渡到红地毯和跑道 – 我们不能更开心!



1. Nail Bliss指甲流行 也许是照亮你修指甲最简单的方法。带着额外的鲜花和蝴蝶结,带着棕榈树和日落的内心加利福尼亚人带出你的少女一面,或用金属色和金光闪闪释放内部女主角。或者,如果你感觉非常喜欢,混合搭配!


2. 爱与疯狂 将流行文化融入趋势配饰,从表情符号到夏季水果,有很多选择。与常规的美甲贴纸不同,这些贴纸实际上是临时纹身,可以在指甲和身体的任何部位佩戴.

3.爱文化美甲包装 有大量的几何形状,颜色和风格。此外,他们有可爱的贴纸,包括心,披萨和其他可爱的东西.


4. Nailbot 使用智能手机将定制的即时美甲直接打印到您的指甲上!为什么购买贴纸,当你可以立即直接在你的指甲上获得该艺术(图片,表情符号,许可图像)?


五. 钉珠宝:随着圣帕特里克节的快速临近,让你的绿色和充满乐趣和节日三叶草美甲与珠宝三叶草指甲贴的假期。在圣帕特里克节假期,这些贴纸是一种可爱而简单的方式,可以让您的指甲充满活力.

钉 art ideas

6. NailSnaps: 您可以使用此免费应用程序将任何照片转换为自定义美甲。将Instagram帖子,喜欢的服装图案,最佳旅行记忆,甚至宠物脸都变成独一无二的美甲,您可以在家里在几分钟内申请。没有混乱,没有毒性,也没有干燥时间.

钉 art ideas

7. Fash Pack指甲纹身:每个套件包括三页250个单独的纹身,可轻松应用于每个指甲,以便您可以根据自己的风格进行混搭。无论您选择的是tutti-frutti菠萝,棕榈树还是别致的简约星形符号,都有适合每个人的设计.


8. MoYou伦敦 是一家新的美国公司,提供大量的美甲选项,让您自己制作指甲贴!你是涂鸦,写下自己的想法,还是为生活创造曼荼罗?当有自由通过简单的转移或直接在压模上的创意艺术创建自己的设计时,不需要静态贴纸……并转向你的指甲!

最好 nail stickers

9. Jamberry 推出迪士尼系列,包括21款指甲套设计,包括米妮,睡美人和​​小美人鱼。他们将每月推出新的迪士尼公主角色.

钉 art ideas



整理你的钱包,随时随地做你的指甲:Bobbie’s Buzz


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    Nail stickers have transitioned from childhood sleepovers to red carpets and runways, and we couldnt be happier! They are the perfect DIY nail art solution, with no skills required and no need to spend a fortune at your favorite nail salon. Now, you can go with a unique sticker, and the design possibilities are endless. Todays editors, writers, and experts will carefully recommend products we truly love, hoping you will too! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So, while each product is independently chosen, if you buy a product through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue.

    1. Nail Bliss Nail Pop is perhaps the easiest way to brighten up your nail routine. Bring out your inner California girl with extra flowers and bows, palm trees and sunsets, or release your inner leading lady with metallics and glitter. Or, if youre feeling really adventurous, mix and match!

    2. Love and Madness incorporates pop culture into trendy accessories, with plenty of options from emojis to summer fruits. Unlike regular nail stickers, these stickers are actually temporary tattoos that can be worn on any part of your body.

    3. Love Culture Nail Pack has a wide variety of geometric shapes, colors, and styles. Additionally, they have cute stickers including hearts, pizza, and other adorable things.

    4. Nailbot prints custom instant nail art directly onto your nails using your smartphone! Why buy stickers when you can get the art (pictures, emojis, licensed images) directly on your nails in an instant?

    5. Nail Jewels: With St. Patricks Day fast approaching, make your green and fun holiday clover manicure pop with jewel clover nail stickers. During the St. Patricks Day holiday, these stickers are a cute and easy way to add some life to your nails.

    6. NailSnaps: You can use this free app to turn any photo into custom nail art. Turn Instagram posts, favorite clothing patterns, best travel memories, or even pet faces into unique nail art that you can apply at home in minutes. No mess, no toxicity, and no drying time.

    7. Fash Pack Nail Tattoos: Each kit includes three pages of 250 individual tattoos that can be easily applied to each nail, so you can mix and match according to your own style

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