

布鲁克·希尔兹(Brooke Shields)从小就出现在电影,电视节目和地标性建模活动中,但现在只有52岁 – 她正在拥抱她的身体.

这位模特和女演员是身体积极泳装品牌Swimsuits For All的新广告活动的明星之一,向People杂志开放了她穿着比基尼最终感觉如何美丽.

希尔兹 is one of the stars of Swimsuit For All's new 'Power Suit' campaign featuring dynamic women from all walks of life.
Shields是Swimsuit For All全新“Power Suit”活动的明星之一,该活动以各界有活力的女性为特色.swimsuitsforall

“在这种审查下长大,让我对自己的外表感到不安,”出现在该品牌新的包含大小的Power Suit活动中的希尔兹告诉人们。“感觉与我自己的身体脱节,我花了好几年的时间来分开意见我自己的其他人。“



希尔兹 said for years she felt scrutinized as a young person in Hollywood and it's only now she's embracing her body.

希尔兹在该活动中展示了她品牌红色先锋比基尼的令人羡慕的腹肌,并表示她的健美体质来自积极的生活方式 – 不是摔倒饮食或充满压力的锻炼.

“这完全取决于平衡。没有一套健康和健康的方法,它确实找到了对你有用的东西,”她说。 “我总是尝试喝大量的水,睡个好觉,保持健康积极的生活方式。”

希尔兹 appears in the campaign alongside a diverse array of women including (L-R) nurse practitioner Katie Duke, model Ashley Graham, pro swimmer Pat Gallant Charette and reality TV star Angela Simmons.
Shields与各种各样的女性一起出现在运动中,包括(L-R)执业护士Katie Duke,模特Ashley Graham,职业游泳运动员Pat Gallant Charette和真人秀明星Angela Simmons.swimsuitsforall

如今,与模特Ashley Graham,现实明星Angela Simmons和其他充满活力的女性一起出现在广告中的Shields,为她所处的形状感到骄傲,她实际上喜欢炫耀一点皮肤.

该 actress and model shows off her abs in the brand's red Pioneer Bikini two-piece.
这位女演员和模特在该品牌的红色Pioneer Bikini两件套中展示了她的腹肌.swimsuitsforall

“当我年轻的时候,我从不喜欢穿着泳衣,因为我选择了看待他们的方式。我总能找到掩盖的方法,“她分享道。 “现在,当我炫耀自己的身体而不是隐藏它时,我感到最自信。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for those who do not understand the original language. The article talks about Brooke Shields, a model and actress who has been in the entertainment industry since she was a child. She is now 52 years old and is embracing her body by being a part of the body-positive swimsuit brand, Swimsuits For Alls new advertising campaign. Shields talks about how growing up in the public eye made her feel insecure about her appearance, but now she feels confident and proud of her body. She also emphasizes the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Shields is joined by other women, including model Ashley Graham and reality star Angela Simmons, in the campaign, which celebrates women of all shapes and sizes.

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