头发的’米水’有5000%的搜索峰值 – 但它有效吗?

头发的’米水’有5000%的搜索峰值 – 但它有效吗?


在YouTube上搜索类似的术语产生了超过100,000个结果,大量的视频博客视频讨论了米水的明显头发效益 – 特别是它所谓的增长能力.

根据名人调色师,沙龙所有者和产品开发人员Rita Hazan的说法,米饭水不仅可以帮助头发生长,还可以提供光泽和体积.

“米饭水含有大米蛋白质,可以使头发角质层丰满,”她说。 “当你在水中煮饭时,大米会膨胀,它会在你的头发中膨胀,使它看起来更健康,体积更大。”

根据纽约蝴蝶工作室沙龙的发型师和教育家Julian Guerrero的说法,还有其他好处。 “发酵的米饭水是酸性的,当你用它冲洗头发时,它可以恢复和平衡头发的酸碱度,”他说,“我们一直看到头发护理品牌将米饭的好处带到头发产品,从清洁剂造型面霜。“



它也可以用来对抗毛躁。 “米水含有肌醇,这是(a)碳水化合物,有助于增强弹性,减少表面摩擦,”格雷罗说。.

您只需要一杯米 – 棕色长粒或白色 – 即可开始使用。 “将你的选择添加到罐子或碗中的两杯水中,然后静置20-25分钟,”他说。 “将水排出并存放或直接使用。”

他说,一旦你洗头,就用米水从根部到头部按摩,同时按摩它。“然后用常规护发素正常情况,”格雷罗说。 “米水也可以用作调理剂,如果与油混合,从根部到末端,或仅在头发末端,然后冲洗和造型。”




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    It is interesting to see the rising interest in using rice water as a hair care treatment, with a 5000% increase in Google searches in the past three months alone. The abundance of videos and blogs discussing the benefits of rice water for hair growth and shine is also noteworthy. It is fascinating to learn about the science behind rice waters ability to provide volume and fullness to hair due to the rice proteins ability to plump up the hair cuticle. Additionally, the acidic nature of fermented rice water can help balance the pH of the hair and reduce frizz. It is exciting to see hair care brands incorporating rice water into their products, and it is worth trying out as a natural and affordable hair care solution.

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