黛比吉布森45岁:回顾她80年代的风格 – 以及今天的采访

黛比吉布森45岁:回顾她80年代的风格 – 以及今天的采访


周一庆祝她的生日,80年代后期和90年代早期的流行歌星是她最大的热门歌曲 – 包括“迷失在你的眼中”,“摇动你的爱”和“走出蓝色” – 的主要风格偶像 – 图表.




“我的意思是,这太疯狂了,”吉布森告诉劳尔。 “你知道,你正在经历所经历的所有变化,并在公众面前发现你是一个十几岁的人,所以这很有挑战性。”


“当我本来应该学习的时候,我会考虑在社会学课上写一些歌,”她笑着说。 “我记得在[麦迪逊广场]花园与比利乔尔和埃尔顿约翰一起表演; [和]我是[大西洋唱片公司] 40周年纪念日的一部分;然后我有了正常的里程碑,比如舞会和所有那些。”

黛比 Gibson flashback time! Check out these vintage looks.

在90年代中期,当吉布森为她的剧目添加更多演技时,她要求被称为黛博拉而不是黛比,以保持“理智,快乐和健康”。虽然有些人很难做出这样的改变 – 至于她仍然在Twitter上使用Debbie Gibson的名字 – 她向Lauer解释了为什么她认为这很重要.



黛比 Gibson flashback time! Check out these vintage looks.
黛比吉布森闪回时间!看看这些复古的外观.LIFE图片集/ Getty


黛比 Gibson flashback time! Check out these vintage looks.



黛比 Gibson flashback time! Check out these vintage looks.


黛比 Gibson flashback time! Check out these vintage looks.
黛比吉布森闪回时间!看看这些复古的外观.LIFE图片集/ Getty


如今,吉布森并不害怕接受她的时尚过去。上周四在Twitter上,她与一只狮子幼崽一起拍摄了一张她穿着黑色连衣裙的1991年照片。 (“是的,我很害怕,”她推特说。)

关注TODAY.com作家Chris Serico 在Twitter上.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English:

    Pop star Debbie Gibsons 45th birthday marks an eternal source of “Electric Youth”! On Monday, her birthday was celebrated, and her biggest hits in the late 1980s and early 1990s – including “Lost in Your Eyes,” “Shake Your Love,” and “Out of the Blue” – were the main style idols on the charts. Debbie Gibson talked about the feelings of teenagers. As she told TODAYs Matt Lauer in 2003, she was only 16 when she first performed, “only in my dreams,” and became a national sensation. “I mean, it was crazy,” Gibson told Lauer. “You know, youre going through all the changes youre supposed to go through and finding yourself in front of the public as a teenager, so it was challenging.” She added that as a teenage pop star, she brought a unique set of challenges. “When I was supposed to be studying, I would be thinking about writing a song in sociology class,” she laughed. “I remember performing at Madison Square Garden with Billy Joel and Elton John; [and] I was part of Atlantic Records 40th anniversary celebration; and then I had the normal milestones like prom and all that.” In the mid-1990s, when Gibson added more acting to her repertoire, she asked to be called Deborah instead of Debbie to stay “sane, happy, and healthy.” Although some found it difficult to make such a change – as she still uses the name Debbie Gibson on Twitter – she explained to Lauer why she thought it was important. “I didnt sell out and try to chase pop music trends, which change every week,” she said in 2003. But perhaps Gibson didnt give herself enough credit when she said that. In the 1980s and 1990s, she often became a trendsetter for millions of fans, many of whom were teenage girls. Without her hats nodding, Gibson doesnt look complete. Without them, “Electric Youth” is neither electric nor young. Part of Gibsons charm is her all-American appeal, reflected in this button-down, vest, and shorts ensemble. She also seems to have won the “Electric Youth” triangle flag, although her competitors are not clear. To meet her casual

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