إذا كنت قد قضيت عدة ساعات على موقع Pinterest لتصمم التصميم المثالي لمنزلك ، يتبين أنك تشترك كثيرًا مع Hilary Duff. كشفت الممثلة “الأصغر سنًا” مؤخرًا عن شركة “بترهومز آند جاردنز” أنها تعيش على موقع الإلهام وتستخدمها لتحلم منزلها النابض بالحياة.
والنتيجة هي تصميم أنثوي جميل ، لكن حديث مع مجموعة من الألوان المذهلة والقطع المذهلة.
عند دخولك إلى الفندق لأول مرة ، يتم الترحيب بك من خلال باب مطلي بلون وردي ناعم. وقال دوف لمجلة اللون “لم أر بنفسي أبداً فتاة ، ولا أملك الكثير من اللون الوردي ، رغم أنني أحب ذلك”..
وقد عمل مصممو الديكور الداخليان شانون وولك وبريتاني زويكل من ستوديو لايف ستايل. مع دوف للتأكد من أن القطع التي التقطتها – مثل العمل الفني الملون داميان هيرست “فراشة المشكال” التي تعلق في غرفة المعيشة – تم إقرانها مع الأثاث الخلفي المسجل لخلق توازن في الفضاء.
وقالت ولكم: “هيلاري أرادت أن يشعر منزلها بأنوثة وحداثة ، لكنه بالتأكيد يعيش في جو مريح”. في حين أن كل غرفة لها ديكورها الخاص ، هناك أيضًا مزيج رائع من القطع المعاصرة مع صور ظلية مغرية ومفروشات عتيقة للاستئناف العمر.
هيلاري داف على التقلبات والمقاطع في مسلسلها التلفزيوني “أصغر”
إحدى غرف النوم مغلفة بورق حائط زهري مبهج يذكّر دوف بطفولتها. قالت: “لقد كبرت مع ورق الحائط. كانت أمي متحمسة لذلك ، لذا أشعرني بالحنين”.
كما أن دوف تصنع ذكريات خاصة بها لابنها لوكا ، 5. “أرى الأشياء التي اكتسبتها على طول الطريق – البسط ، والفن وأي شيء يجعل لوكا – كمقتنيات جديدة ،” قالت. “ونتيجة لذلك ، يشعر المنزل بالذكريات والفرص – الجديدة والقديمة وغير الآتية”.
لكن الفوضى ليست مشكلة بسبب عادات شرائها الدقيقة. وقالت “عندما أكون على وشك شراء شيء ما – سواء كان كرسي أو زوج من الأقراط – أسأل نفسي:” هل سأظل أحبه عندما أكون في الستين أو السبعين؟ “.
هذه نصيحة جيدة يمكننا استخدامها جميعًا!
هيلاري داف على شخصية “الأصغر سنا” ، ما هو ليس في تمرينها
شاهد المزيد من الصور لدوق داف الممتع في Better Homes & Gardens.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:
If you have spent several hours on Pinterest designing the perfect design for your home, it turns out that you have a lot in common with Hilary Duff. The “Younger” actress recently revealed that she lives on the inspiration site and uses it to dream of her vibrant home. The result is a beautiful feminine design, but with a conversation with a stunning range of colors and pieces. When you enter the hotel for the first time, you are welcomed by a soft pink-coated door. Duff told the color magazine, “I never saw myself as a girl, and I dont have a lot of pink, although I love it.” Interior designers Shannon Wolk and Brittany Zwickel from Live Style Studio worked with Duff to make sure the pieces she picked up – like the colorful artwork of Damien Hirsts “Butterfly Kaleidoscope” hanging in the living room – were paired with the background furniture to create balance in space. Wolke said, “Hilary wanted her home to feel feminine and modern, but it definitely lives in a comfortable atmosphere.” While each room has its own decor, there is also a wonderful mix of contemporary pieces with seductive silhouettes and antique furnishings for age restoration. One of the bedrooms is wrapped in cheerful pink wallpaper that reminds Duff of her childhood. She said, “I grew up with wallpaper. My mom was excited about it, so it makes me nostalgic.” Duff also creates special memories for her son Luca, 5. “I see the things Ive acquired along the way – the rugs, the art, and anything that makes Luca – as new treasures,” she said. “As a result, the house feels like memories and opportunities – new, old, and non-coming.” But chaos is not a problem due to her precise shopping habits. She said, “When Im about to buy something – whether its a chair or a pair of earrings – I ask myself, Will I still love it when Im sixty or seventy? This is good advice we can all use!”
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:
If you have spent several hours on Pinterest designing the perfect design for your home, it turns out that you have a lot in common with Hilary Duff. The “Younger” actress recently revealed that she lives on the inspiration site and uses it to dream of her vibrant home. The result is a beautiful feminine design, but with a conversation with a stunning range of colors and pieces. When you enter the hotel for the first time, you are welcomed by a soft pink-coated door. Duff told the color magazine, “I never saw myself as a girl, and I dont have a lot of pink, although I love it.” Interior designers Shannon Wolk and Brittany Zwickel from Live Style Studio worked with Duff to make sure the pieces she picked up – like the colorful artwork of Damien Hirsts “Butterfly Kaleidoscope” hanging in the living room – were paired with the background furniture to create balance in space. Wolke said, “Hilary wanted her home to feel feminine and modern, but it definitely lives in a comfortable atmosphere.” While each room has its own decor, there is also a wonderful mix of contemporary pieces with seductive silhouettes and antique furnishings for age restoration. One of the bedrooms is wrapped in cheerful pink wallpaper that reminds Duff of her childhood. She said, “I grew up with wallpaper. My mom was excited about it, so it makes me nostalgic.” Duff also creates special memories for her son Luca, 5. “I see the things Ive acquired along the way – the rugs, the art, and anything that makes Luca – as new treasures,” she said. “As a result, the house feels like memories and opportunities – new, old, and non-coming.” But chaos is not a problem due to her precise shopping habits. She said, “When Im about to buy something – whether its a chair or a pair of earrings – I ask myself, Will I still love it when Im sixty or seventy? This is good advice we can all use!”