

在Grayson Dobra可以走路或说话之前,他明确表示当莫里斯巴特商业广告在电视上时,他的家人无法打扰他.

巴特是新奥尔良的一名人身伤害律师,也是格雷森在世界上最受欢迎的人。因此,当他的第二个生日派对选择主题时,他的妈妈L’Erin Dobra知道该怎么做.


由L’Erin Dobra提供

“每个人都告诉我做一个以米老鼠为主题的派对,就像我1岁生日那样,但我不想重做那个,”多布拉告诉TODAY.com。 “我想让它成为他感兴趣的东西,现在,那是莫里斯巴特。”


由L’Erin Dobra提供




Dobra采购了一个以律师的形象为特色的蛋糕,家庭成员给了Grayson Morris Bart灵感的礼物.

由L’Erin Dobra提供



由L’Erin Dobra提供

在Dobra通过电子邮件发送Bart告诉他关于她参加派对的想法之后,他给她寄了一张亲笔签名照片,钥匙链和新奥尔良鹈鹕衬衫,背面有他的标志。他告诉她,如果他们曾经在该地区,他们应该停下来 – 多布拉希望这一提议将激励格雷森使用厕所。他满足他的偶像的那一天,他可以满足他的偶像.

“现在,Grayson仍然百分之百莫里斯巴特,但我确信有一天他会回头说’妈妈我不相信你这样做,我很尴尬,’”多布拉说。 “但我不预见在不久的将来会发生这种情况;他仍然超级痴迷。“

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the story of Grayson Dobra, a young boy who is a big fan of Morris Bart, a personal injury lawyer from New Orleans. Graysons mother organized a Morris Bart-themed birthday party for him, and the article describes how Graysons fascination with Morris Bart began and how it has continued to this day. The article also mentions that Morris Bart sent Grayson a signed photo, a keychain, and a New Orleans Pelicans shirt as a gift after Graysons mother contacted him about the party. Overall, the article is a heartwarming story about a young boys admiration for a public figure and the kindness of that figure in responding to the boys fandom.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the story of Grayson Dobra, a young boy who is a big fan of Morris Bart, a personal injury lawyer from New Orleans. Graysons mother organized a Morris Bart-themed birthday party for him, and the article describes how Graysons fascination with Morris Bart began and how it has continued to this day. The article also mentions that Morris Bart sent Grayson a signed photo, a keychain, and a New Orleans Pelicans shirt as a gift after Graysons mother contacted him about the party. Overall, the article is a heartwarming story about a young boys admiration for a public figure and the kindness of that figure in responding to the boys fandom.

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