


医学专家表示,有两个蹒跚学步的儿子,3岁的Nate和2岁的Teddy,总是引起全部注意,这种健忘是可以预料到的。他们甚至有一个名字 – “momnesia。”

“这是一个女性大脑状态,在她生完孩子后有点健忘,”Louann Brizendine博士告诉今日记者Savannah Guthrie.


“它改变了大脑的化学反应,”她说。 “所有这些激素都在大脑中炖煮,改变了母亲的注意力。”

管理网站totalmom.com的育儿专家Hannah Keeley周四观看了Guthrie与TODAY的Hoda Kotb的录音报道,并对此表示同情。作为七个孩子的母亲,年龄从2岁到14岁不等,基利非常了解这种综合症.

“这太疯狂了,”她说。 “你在车里,你要去杂货店,你会忘记 – ‘我想要的是什么?’与此同时,你的咖啡从一英里外的汽车引擎盖上飞走了。你总是觉得你到处都是分散的。我们去度假了 – 我忘了为我的孩子打包。“


Keeley写了一本名为“Hannah Keeley的全妈妈改头换面”的书,将她的生活分为两个时代:BC为“Before Children”,AD为“After Dementia”。


“这就像一块注意力,”她告诉科特布。 “我们有很多资源可以用来做事。当你分开这个馅饼 – 这是一块母乳喂养的切片时,这里有一个用于包装尿布袋的切片,去看医生,确保里程碑得到满足 – 普通的,普通的东西被推到了路边。


“你让这个孩子掌握了你的运作能力,你就会沾沾自喜,”她说。 “但你开始制定策略来帮助你提高效率。你写下一切。我们有这个巨大的日历 – 我们能找到的最大日历 – 我们写下了所有内容。“

当她离开家时,她总是拿着一支笔 – 她的丈夫在项链上给她一个 – 并用纸做笔记.



“对于那些遗忘事物的老年人进行了一项研究,他们发现心血管锻炼实际上有助于保持对事物的关注,”她告诉Kotb。 “它也有助于作为一个新妈妈 – 你有一个更好的身体形象。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Its possible that no new mother alive cant recognize and share Andy Silvermans story about memory loss. Just like when she left her groceries at the store. Or when she went on vacation with her two kids and forgot the diapers. Medical experts say that having two toddlers, 3-year-old Nate and 2-year-old Teddy, always demanding attention, this forgetfulness is to be expected. They even have a name for it – “momnesia.” “Its a female brain state, a bit forgetful after giving birth,” Dr. Louann Brizendine told TODAYs Savannah Guthrie. Brizendine is the author of “The Female Brain,” and she says this condition is caused by the large amount of hormone stimulation that comes with pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. “It changes the chemistry of the brain,” she said. “All these hormones are stewing in the brain, changing the mothers attention.” Parenting expert Hannah Keeley of the management website totalmom.com watched Guthries recorded report with TODAYs Hoda Kotb on Thursday and expressed sympathy for this. As a mother of seven children ranging in age from 2 to 14, Keeley is very familiar with this syndrome. “Its crazy,” she said. “Youre in the car, youre going to the grocery store, and you forget – What was it that I wanted? Meanwhile, your coffee flies off the car hood from a mile away. You always feel like youre scattered everywhere. We went on vacation – I forgot to pack for my kids.” Then there was a time when she and her husband and several other couples went out to dinner without the kids, and she found herself cutting her husbands roast chicken into dozens of tiny pieces because thats what moms do. Keeley wrote a book called “Hannah Keeleys Total Mom Makeover,” dividing her life into two eras: BC for “Before Children” and AD for “After Dementia.” She laughs easily about her mom while explaining how mothers are so focused on their children that other things get lost. “Its like a piece of attention,” she told Kotb. “We have so many resources to do things. When you slice this pie – this is a slice for breastfeeding, this is a slice for packing diaper bags, going

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Its possible that no new mother alive cant recognize and share Andy Silvermans story about memory loss. Just like when she left her groceries at the store. Or when she went on vacation with her two kids and forgot the diapers. Medical experts say that having two toddlers, 3-year-old Nate and 2-year-old Teddy, always demanding attention, this forgetfulness is to be expected. They even have a name for it – “momnesia.” “Its a female brain state of being a little forgetful after having a baby,” Dr. Louann Brizendine told TODAYs Savannah Guthrie. Brizendine is the author of “The Female Brain,” and she says this condition is caused by the large amount of hormonal changes that come with pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. “It changes the chemistry of the brain,” she said. “All these hormones are stewing in the brain, changing the mothers attention.” Parenting expert Hannah Keeley of the management website totalmom.com watched Guthries recorded report with TODAYs Hoda Kotb on Thursday and expressed sympathy. As a mother of seven children ranging in age from 2 to 14, Keeley is very familiar with this syndrome. “Its crazy,” she said. “Youre in the car, youre going to the grocery store, and you forget – What was it that I wanted? Meanwhile, your coffee flies off the car hood from a mile away. You always feel like youre scattered everywhere. We went on vacation – I forgot to pack for my kids.” Then there was a time when she and her husband and several other couples went out to dinner without the kids, and she found herself cutting her husbands roast chicken into dozens of tiny pieces because thats what moms do. Keeley wrote a book called “Hannah Keeleys Total Mom Makeover,” dividing her life into two eras: BC for “Before Children” and AD for “After Dementia.” She laughs easily about her mom, explaining that mothers are so focused on their children that everything else gets lost. “Its like a pie of attention,” she told Kotb. “We have so many resources to do things. When you slice this pie – this is a slice for breastfeeding, this is a slice for packing diaper bags, going

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