婴儿床注意事项:适合孩子的高跟鞋 – 时尚前卫或假发?

婴儿床注意事项:适合孩子的高跟鞋 – 时尚前卫或假发?

女人喜欢高跟鞋已经不是什么秘密了。哎呀,Manolo Blahnik几乎是“欲望都市”中的第五位朋友。但那些都是成年女性,所以它绝对是一种可以接受的,如果昂贵的时尚选择.

现在,设计师正在为小女孩制作高跟鞋,父母正在购买它们。 Babble最近质疑向年轻女孩出售3英寸楔形物的感觉 – 这正是Michael Kors目前正在做的事情。这款棕色波西米亚风时尚帆布坡跟鞋采用3英寸鞋跟镶嵌在水钻中,适合任何年轻的Rachel Zoe粉丝。 (拥有更多前卫,都市气息的小女孩可能会更喜欢闪亮的银色版本。)


虽然鞋子被宣传为适合幼儿/青少年,但尺码似乎适合6-10岁的女孩。 Michael Kors当然是时尚前卫,但他并不是第一个向年轻女孩推销高跟鞋的设计师。就在上个月,TLC Parentables写了关于穿着帆布鞋的幼儿园女孩的趋势。他们指出Target出售的一双2.25英寸鞋跟。据说这些鞋子不仅适合特殊的户外活动,而且是受欢迎的校服。让我们不要忘记当一个5岁的Suri Cruise穿上一双金色的低跟鞋时引发的骚动 – 而且与3英寸的楔形物相比,Suri的高跟鞋实际上是平底鞋.


也许Michael Kors鞋的一位小Zappos.com评论员说得最好。 Madison1写道:


好吧,Madison1的妈妈不允许她穿高跟鞋 – 其他妈妈怎么样?女孩的高跟鞋是一个无害和时尚的衣橱,或者是一个失礼? 

Dana Macario是TODAY Moms的贡献者,西雅图的妈妈是两个年幼的孩子.






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on this topic. However, it is important to consider the potential harm that high heels can cause to young girls. While they may be cute and fashionable, they are not suitable for children who need to run and play. It is important for parents to prioritize their childs safety and comfort over fashion trends. Ultimately, the decision to allow young girls to wear high heels should be made with caution and consideration for their well-being.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on this topic. However, it is important to consider the potential harm that high heels can cause to young girls. While they may be cute and fashionable, it is not appropriate for young girls to wear high heels as they can cause injury and hinder their ability to play and run around. Parents should prioritize their childs safety and comfort over fashion trends.

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