

更新:在她可爱的Instagram照片于2016年传播之后,Laura Izumikawa在她的午睡时间继续给她的女儿Joey穿上衣服 – 收集足够的照片以发行一本名为“和Joey一起吃午饭”的相册。


“作为一名摄影师,我一直梦想着制作一本我自己的照片书,但我从未想到这将是关于我的宝贝,”Izumikawa告诉今日的父母。 “我正在努力记录我所能做到的一切,以便乔伊能够看到她带给人们多少快乐,只需要睡觉。”





如果有人知道这一点,那就是摄影师Laura Izumikawa:她有一个明亮(和滑稽)的想法,可以利用她孩子的午睡时间,在睡觉时穿上4个月大的服装。现在小乔伊玛丽崔在这个古老的消遣中比其他任何一个孩子都好……而且她甚至都不知道.



永远不要错过TODAY Parenting时事通讯的育儿故事!在此注册.



如果有最后努力的照片Izumikawa帖子有什么比这更好的了(虽然这真的是一个近距离通话),这是她偶尔和他们一起发布的幕后视频。这些视频回答了我们最激动人心的问题,例如“你如何在没有醒来的情况下在睡觉的婴儿身上获得金牌?”如何 一个婴儿在短短10分钟内变身为Beyoncé?“







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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Update: After her adorable Instagram photos went viral in 2016, Laura Izumikawa continued to dress her daughter Joey in costumes during her nap time – collecting enough photos to release a photo album called “Naptime with Joey”. Today, Joey is one year old and according to her mother, she still sleeps deeply enough that changing her clothes and taking photos doesnt wake her up. “As a photographer, Ive always dreamed of making my own photo book, but I never thought it would be about my baby,” Izumikawa told TODAY Parents. “Im working hard to document everything I can so Joey can see how much joy she brings to people just by sleeping.” The new book showcases the mothers photos of her child sleeping in funny costumes.

    Parenting can be stressful. Dressing up can provide some relief. (Even if your child is not old enough to participate.) If anyone knows this, its photographer Laura Izumikawa: she has a bright (and funny) idea to take advantage of her childs nap time by dressing her up in costumes at 4 months old. Now little Joey Marie Choi is better at this ancient pastime than any other child… and she doesnt even know it.

    When Joey dreams away in the afternoon, her mother starts selecting and adjusting props to turn Joey into everything from a wizard to an In-N-Out burger server to a sushi chef, and even Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”. Its a grueling process that requires serious creativity and dedication. She has to do it all before the little one wakes up!

    If theres anything better than Izumikawas last-ditch effort photos (although this is really a close call), its the behind-the-scenes videos she occasionally posts with them. These videos answer our most exciting questions, such as “How do you get a gold medal on a sleeping baby without waking her up?” and “How do you turn a baby into Beyoncé in just 10 minutes?” Below are some of our favorite looks.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Update: After her adorable Instagram photos went viral in 2016, Laura Izumikawa continued to dress her daughter Joey in costumes during her nap time – collecting enough photos to release a photo album called “Naptime with Joey”. Today, Joey is one year old and according to her mother, she still sleeps deeply enough that changing her clothes and taking photos doesnt wake her up. “As a photographer, Ive always dreamed of making my own photo book, but I never thought it would be about my baby,” Izumikawa told TODAY Parents. “Im working hard to document everything I can so Joey can see how much joy she brings to people just by sleeping.” The new book showcases the mothers photos of her child sleeping in funny costumes.

    Parenting can be stressful. Dressing up can provide some relief. (Even if your child is not old enough to participate.) If anyone knows this, its photographer Laura Izumikawa: she has a bright (and funny) idea to take advantage of her childs nap time by dressing her up in costumes at 4 months old. Now little Joey Marie Choi is better at this ancient pastime than any other child… and she doesnt even know it.

    When Joey dreams in the afternoon, her mother starts selecting and adjusting props to turn Joey into everything from a wizard to an In-N-Out burger server to a sushi chef, and even Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”. Its a grueling process that requires serious creativity and dedication. She has to do it all before the little one wakes up!

    If theres anything better than Izumikawas last-ditch effort photos (although this is really a close call), its the behind-the-scenes videos she occasionally posts with them. These videos answer our most exciting questions, like “How do you get a gold medal on a sleeping baby without waking her up?” and “How do you turn a baby into Beyoncé in just 10 minutes?” Below are some of our favorite looks.

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