


这是有道理的 – 安德伍德的丈夫是纳什维尔掠夺者队的曲棍球中锋迈克费舍尔,他的球队在星期六击败华盛顿首都队之后在NHL季后赛中获得了一席之地。自掠夺者进入季后赛位置已经三年了,所以他们自然很兴奋.

图片: 8th Annual ACM Honors - Backstage And Audience
Mike Fisher和Carrie Underwood在2014年.Rick Diamond / Getty Images for ACM

看起来好像这对夫妇的新生儿以赛亚在船上 – 以至于所有的兴奋使他疲惫不堪。安德伍德发布了这张可爱的小照片(出生于2月27日)的照片。周日,他拿着一只掠夺者曲棍球棒,并且当之无愧地打盹。 (婴儿的所有小睡都是当之无愧的。)


“掠夺者队正在进入季后赛!”在标题中写下了安德伍德。 “等待被召唤。#PutMeInCoach”

你打赌,以赛亚 – 至少,一旦你能穿上制服!



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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the excitement of the Nashville Predators hockey team making it to the NHL playoffs, particularly for the family of player Mike Fisher and his wife, country singer Carrie Underwood. The article also includes a cute photo of their newborn son, Isaiah, holding a Predators hockey stick.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the excitement of the Nashville Predators hockey team making it to the NHL playoffs, particularly for the family of player Mike Fisher and his wife, country singer Carrie Underwood. The article also includes a cute photo of their newborn son, Isaiah, holding a Predators hockey stick. Overall, the article is a fun and lighthearted look at a familys love for hockey and their new addition.

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