

法国各地的父母现在需要三思而后行才能打击行为不端的孩子,因为他们可能会依法将他们置于热水中。根据最近通过的一项新法律,父母将被要求放弃杖并转向其他纪律措施 – 如积极强化 – 而不是.

12月22日,法国议会成功投票通过了“平等和公民身份”法案,该法案禁止在全国范围内实施各种形式的体罚,包括鞭刑,鞭刑或更常见的惩罚等有害身体待遇 – 打屁股.



有关: 根据科学,这是训练孩子最有效的方法



有关: “感觉就像她是老板”:如何对付欺负父母的孩子


有关: 10儿童虐待预防资源


研究人员一致认为,没有一种适合所有人的养育方法。 “父母需要做的事情取决于孩子表现出的不合规情况,”俄克拉荷马州立大学人类发展与家庭科学教授Robert Larzelere说。.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article. The article discusses a new law passed in France that prohibits all forms of physical punishment on children, including spanking. The law aims to eliminate all forms of “insulting, cruel, and degrading” treatment of children by their parents. The article cites research that shows spanking is not an effective form of discipline and can lead to negative outcomes such as lower IQ, aggression, and substance abuse. The article suggests alternative discipline methods such as time-outs, reasoning, and revoking privileges. The article concludes that there is no one-size-fits-all parenting method and parents should tailor their approach to their childs behavior.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article. The article discusses a new law passed in France that prohibits all forms of physical punishment on children, including spanking. The law aims to eliminate all forms of “insulting, cruel, and degrading” treatment of children by their parents. The article cites research that shows spanking is not an effective form of discipline and can lead to negative outcomes such as lower IQ, aggression, and substance abuse. The article suggests alternative discipline methods such as time-outs, reasoning, and revoking privileges. The article concludes by stating that there is no one-size-fits-all parenting method and that parents should tailor their approach to their childs behavior.

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