



对于父母来说,外表是婴儿非常了解情绪,作为杨百翰大学心理学副教授罗斯弗洛姆说,这项新研究的合着者 – 第一个与孩子一起研究“同伴匹配”能力的人年轻。该研究发表在“婴儿期”杂志上。











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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese:

    No words? No problem. They may not be able to speak yet, but research shows that babies can recognize each others emotions and correctly match happy or sad baby sounds with appropriate facial expressions as early as 5 months old. For parents, it is well-known that babies are very attuned to emotions, as Ross Flom, associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University and co-author of this new study – the first to investigate infants “peer matching” abilities – tells Todays Parent. The study was published in the journal Infancy. “This highlights how sensitive infants are to our communicative intentions,” Flom says. “They really can understand how we are saying something, so if you talk to a young baby, they may not fully understand what you are saying, but they will definitely understand how it is being conveyed.” Researchers were not surprised by the results. Studies have shown that babies can match the emotions of adults aged 7 months and younger. But so far, few have studied babies perceptions of other babies emotional expressions. Forty babies participated in the study: half were 3.5 months old and the other half were 5 months old. (In an interesting aside, researchers note that some babies data had to be excluded due to “over-excitement,” “falling asleep,” and other issues. “We were a little indulgent or capricious,” Flom says.) During the experiment, babies sat in front of two monitors. One person showed a video of a happy, smiling baby, while the other played a clip of a second sad, frowning baby. Then, a happy or sad baby audio was played. The audio in both videos did not match the babies lip movements. When hearing the “happy” audio, 5-month-old babies looked at the baby video for longer and had positive facial expressions. Similarly, when hearing the sad babys voice, 5-month-old children were able to match “negative vocalizations” with the sad, frowning baby video. Researchers did not find matching abilities in 3.5-month-old babies in this study. Of course, parents already know that babies can “read” each other, as evidenced by the viral YouTube video of 17-month-old twin brothers engaging in some intense baby talk.

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