Seth Meyers在5周年结婚纪念日与妻子和孩子们分享可爱的照片

Seth Meyers在5周年结婚纪念日与妻子和孩子们分享可爱的照片

Seth Meyers在这个周末感受到了这种爱!

“深夜”主持人星期六与妻子Alexi Ashe一起庆祝他的第五个结婚纪念日,他通过分享一个可爱的(和稀缺!)家庭照片来纪念这个里程碑.

“五年前的今天,我和我神奇的妻子亚历克西结婚了,”迈耶斯在一条推文中写道。 “我们已经添加了两个令人难以置信的男孩,他们两个都不会从这张照片中拿出他们的手。”

这张照片拍摄了Meyers,Ashe和他们的两个儿子,2岁的Ashe Olson和5个月的Axel Strahl,在意大利罗马北部城镇Ultima Spiaggia餐厅和海滩俱乐部享用意大利面餐。.


图片: American Museum Of Natural History's 2013 Museum Gala
在过去的五年里,赛斯迈耶斯和亚历克西阿什在爱情中的关系变得更加热爱.Andrew H. Walker / Getty Images



“我打电话给911并且在一分钟的谈话过程中,我说,’我们即将生个孩子 – 我们有一个孩子 – 我们生了一个孩子,’”迈尔斯在4月9日的一集中回忆说,阿克塞尔出生后的第二天.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    Its heartwarming to see Seth Meyers celebrating his fifth wedding anniversary with his wife, Alexi Ashe, and their two adorable sons. The family photo shared by Meyers is a testament to the love and joy they share as a family. Its also fascinating to learn about the unexpected birth of their second son, Axel, in the hallway of their New York apartment. Meyers and Ashes relationship has grown stronger over the past five years, and its evident in the way they cherish their family. Congratulations to the Meyers family on this milestone anniversary!

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