Savannah Guthrie回来了!今天庆祝她从产假回来

Savannah Guthrie回来了!今天庆祝她从产假回来


萨凡纳 Guthrie returns to TODAY, February 27th 2023.
Savannah Guthrie于2023年2月27日返回.Nathan Congleton /今天

离开差不多三个月之后,萨凡纳格思里星期一早上回到了主播台 – 比原先预期的还要早几天 – 我们对此感到高兴.

带宝宝回家:Savannah Guthrie的产假在60秒内完成


当然,我们也很高兴让她离开了!毕竟,自从生下她的家庭的最新成员 – 小查理以来,她一直在休产假.

萨凡纳 Guthrie with baby Charley
萨凡纳格思里和宝贝查理.礼貌Savannah Guthrie


萨凡纳, Vale and Charley
萨凡纳,淡水河谷和查理.礼貌Savannah Guthrie

“昨天,我承认,我有点哭了,因为这是一个转变,”萨凡纳谈到她的回归。 “这是一个时代的结束。”



谷 holding Charley
淡水河谷持有查理.礼貌Savannah Guthrie



“我很高兴,”萨凡纳补充道。 “这是最好的去处。”

查理 laughing
查理笑了.礼貌Savannah Guthrie

观看:看看Savannah Guthrie和Dylan Dreyer为Matt Lauer带来的20周年惊喜


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the return of Savannah Guthrie to the anchor desk after her maternity leave. The author expresses excitement about her return and shares some details about her time off with her new baby, Charlie. The article also includes a video of Guthries return to the show and her reunion with her colleagues. Overall, the article is a warm welcome back to Guthrie and celebrates her return to work.

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