马鞍! Pony Up Daddy让孩子们骑在爸爸的背上

马鞍! Pony Up Daddy让孩子们骑在爸爸的背上

这是一个让孩子们放下iPad的机会 – 而且父母要放下他们的尊严.

看看今年更为离谱的假日产品之一:Pony Up Daddy,一个氯丁橡胶马鞍,让孩子们骑在爸爸的背上.

‘Pony Up Daddy’:这个假日季节,让你的孩子在马鞍上高高举起



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“嘿孩子,猛拉,拉扯,拉出你想要的一切…… Pony Up Daddy可以接受它!”广告说.


亚马逊的评论包括“我的孩子们喜欢这个东西!” “当我准备进行背部手术时,我们正在从爸爸鞍座休息一下。”




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “This is an opportunity for children to put down their iPads – and parents to put down their dignity. Take a look at one of the most outrageous holiday products this year: Pony Up Daddy, a chloroprene rubber saddle that allows children to ride on their fathers back. The Velcro saddle is priced at $24.99 and comes in four different colors, helping to avoid torn shirts and damaged jewelry when children ride on adults without a suitable seat. The stupid device also encourages children not to back down when riding. “Hey kids, pull, tug, pull out everything you want… Pony Up Daddy can take it!” the ad says. The product is also suitable for women because mothers should also get a herniated disc! Amazon reviews include “My kids love this thing!” “When I was about to have back surgery, we were taking a break from the dad saddle.” Hey, at least it looks more fun than Nordstroms $85 rock in a leather bag.”

    Note: The original text is in Simplified Chinese.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “This is an opportunity for children to put down their iPads – and parents to put down their dignity. Take a look at one of the most outrageous holiday products this year: Pony Up Daddy, a chloroprene rubber saddle that allows children to ride on their fathers back. The Velcro saddle is priced at $24.99 and comes in four different colors, helping to avoid torn shirts and damaged jewelry when children ride on adults without a suitable seat. The stupid device also encourages children not to back down when riding. “Hey kids, pull, tug, pull out everything you want… Pony Up Daddy can take it!” the ad says. The product is also suitable for women because mothers should also get a herniated disc! Amazon reviews include “My kids love this thing!” “When I was about to have back surgery, we were taking a break from the dad saddle.” Hey, at least it looks more fun than Nordstroms $85 rock in a leather bag.”

    Note: The original text is in Simplified Chinese.

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