




芝加哥大学研究人员在“心理科学”杂志上发表的一项新研究发现,“当父母对数学更加焦虑时,他们的孩子在学年中的学习成绩显着降低,并且在学年结束时会有更多的数学焦虑,但仅限于数学 – 急性父母报告提供频繁的数学作业帮助。“

数学 anxiety
工作在他的类家庭作业的年轻男孩坐在窗口文字前面的一张桌上在笔记本; Shutterstock ID 222985963; PO:math-anxiety-kids-schoolwork-homework-today-stock-tease-150819;客户:TODAY Digital

由Erin A. Maloney领导的研究还发现,如果父母对数学有焦虑,那么他或她最好不要帮助孩子做数学作业.



研究发现,父母有数学焦虑的孩子经常帮他们完成家庭作业,他们的考试成绩较低,而且他们的焦虑情绪高于数学焦虑的父母没有参与帮助他们的孩子,或者父母对数学一无所知的孩子。 。这意味着当父母在做数学时表现出沮丧或紧张时,像一年级一样年轻的孩子会接受它并将其内化以引起他们自己的挣扎。研究人员建议,也许最好有一个导师或其他人来处理这些苦差事.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or experiences. However, based on the given topic, the article discusses the impact of parents math anxiety on their childrens academic performance and anxiety levels. The study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago found that when parents are more anxious about math, their childrens academic performance significantly decreases, and they experience more math anxiety, especially when parents frequently provide math homework help. The study suggests that parents with math anxiety should avoid helping their children with math homework as their anxiety can be transmitted to their children, leading to poor academic performance and anxiety. Instead, it is recommended to have a tutor or someone else to handle these tasks.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or experiences. However, based on the given topic, the article discusses the impact of parents math anxiety on their childrens academic performance and math anxiety. The study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago found that parents math anxiety can be transmitted to their children, leading to lower academic achievement and increased math anxiety. The study suggests that parents with math anxiety should avoid helping their children with math homework and seek the help of a tutor or other person. It is essential to create a positive learning environment for children and encourage them to develop a love for math.

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