


他是对的。所有主要的男性超级英雄 – 蝙蝠侠,蜘蛛侠,美国队长 – 都穿着整齐的衣服,尽管穿着合身的服装。然而,他们最着名的女性伴侣穿着紧身胸衣和高跟靴跑来跑去.


这正是26岁的密歇根艺术家迈克尔·伦斯福德(Michael Lunsford)在一系列绘画中所做的,这些绘画重新想象每个人最喜欢的超级英雄会穿什么样的衣服。.

例如,漫画Supernormal Step的创造者Lunsford将Supergirl的小褶皱裙子和衬衫改为舒适的紧身裤和更长的上衣。 Powergirl获得运动型卷式牛仔裤。而神奇女侠因长袖紧身衣和裤子而失去了着名的乳沟紧身胸衣,并换上了一双实用的平底鞋。.

超女, sporting a super-comfy tunic and leggings.

伦斯福德坚持认为,他并不是要做出道德声明或推动关于谦虚或性别平等的议程。 Lunsford解释说,重新设计的服装并不是要告诉人们超级英雄人物的外貌。 “这只是表明超级英雄看起来像这样,但他们肯定不会一直这样。”


长大后,纽约律师Samiya Mir和两个4岁和1岁男孩的妈妈总是觉得神奇女侠“很漂亮。”(就像她那一代人一样,她最熟悉Lynda Carter在1970年代对这个偶像的描绘电视连续剧。)但现在,作为家长,她认为传统的女性超级英雄服装过于性感 – 而且不切实际。她说:“这些女性在穿着比基尼上衣的时候跑来跑去看坏人,这似乎并不实际。”米尔说女性超级英雄服装随着时代而变化的时候了.

像米尔一样,安娜菲什贝恩是一位剧作家,制片人,也是一位9岁女孩和5岁男孩的母亲,她还记得思考神奇女侠体现了女性化的理想。 “我崇拜Lynda Carter,”她解释道。 “而且我对自己说,当我长大后,我想要瘦腿,丰满的乳房……我想拥有超级大国。”

不过,她很想看到神奇女侠和超女的新服装。 Fishbeyn认为,我们应该“平衡竞争环境”,所以亚马逊战士公主这样一个强大的榜样不必怀疑“我的内衣是否会出现?”因为她挑战了一个恶棍.


艾丽卡, dressed (practically) for battle.

没有裤子,没有裤子,神奇女侠被描绘成等于超人和其他男性超级英雄,Saira Rao,一位4岁女儿和2岁儿子的母亲,以及In This Together Media的总裁,出版“真实女孩”的书籍,其中的人物是“大胆,有趣,无所畏惧”。

“神奇女侠”并没有穿太多,“Rao承认。 “但至少,她很强壮,聪明,并且踢腿。”

而且有些母亲也没有发现这种服装不切实际。 Laura Rossi Totten是一位罗德岛妈妈,她是两个十几岁的女孩,公关专家和博主称自己既是女权主义者又是时尚达人。 “神奇女侠的异国情调但功能性很强的服装摇滚,”她争辩道。 “她性感但不太吝啬,她的配饰很杀手。头饰作为武器?天才。”

事实上,女权主义的最终仲裁者格洛丽亚·斯坦纳姆(Gloria Steinhem)在1972年1月的“女士杂志”杂志的第一封封面上放置了神奇女侠(更大胆的女人),其中大胆的标语是:“总统的神奇女侠?”

在我们的房子里,我们告诉我的儿子不要担心:神奇女侠有特殊的力量让她的双腿保持温暖 – 或者像她的飞机一样,她有隐形的裤子.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    A few days ago, my 4-year-old son asked a tricky parenting question: “Why doesnt Wonder Woman wear pants? What about other superheroes?” Hes right. All major male superheroes – Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America – wear neat clothes, even though they are tight-fitting. However, their most famous female companions run around in tight corsets and high-heeled boots. After all, its 2013. Perhaps its time for Wonder Woman and her superheroes to wear less Victorias Secret fashion shows and more suitable for saving the world. This is what 26-year-old Michigan artist Michael Lunsford did in a series of paintings that reimagined what each persons favorite superhero would wear. For example, Lunsford, the creator of the comic Supernormal Step, changed Supergirls small pleated skirt and shirt to comfortable leggings and longer tops. Powergirl gets sporty curly jeans. And Wonder Woman loses her famous cleavage corset for a long-sleeved bodysuit and pants, and puts on a pair of practical flat shoes. Supergirl, wearing a super-comfortable waistcoat and leggings. Today, Lunsford insists that he is not making a moral statement or pushing an agenda about modesty or gender equality. Lunsford explained that the redesigned costumes are not meant to tell people what superhero characters look like. “This just shows what superheroes look like, but they certainly wont always look like this.” He admits that many comic book superheroes eventually end up with a “painted swimsuit look.” As a lifelong fan of comics, Lunsford wants to push this concept to the “other extreme,” which shows that these iconic characters can still “look cool” even if they are not wearing traditional, lingerie-style pajamas. Growing up, New York lawyer Samiya Mir and the mother of two 4-year-old and 1-year-old boys always thought Wonder Woman was “very beautiful.” (Like her generation, she is most familiar with Lynda Carters portrayal of this idol in the 1970s TV series.) But now, as a parent, she thinks traditional female superhero costumes are too sexy – and unrealistic. She said: “These women run around in bikini tops and it doesnt seem practical.” Mir said it was time for female superhero

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages upon request. Please let me know which language you would like the text to be translated into.

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