


“忽略不再”应用程序是由休斯敦妈妈Sharon Standifird创建的,她将自己描述为一名学校教师转为企业家.




“(现在)您的孩子只有两种选择 – 他或她可以给您回电,或者呼叫紧急救援人员。没有电话给朋友,没有文字,没有游戏,直到他们给你回电话。当他们这样做时,如果您选择这样做,您可以解锁他们的手机。如何为父母控制?“


当您决定锁定孩子的电话时,他或她只能拨打您设置的特殊列表中的联系人。这些联系人可以提供密码来解锁手机。孩子也可以总是打电话给911. Standifird承诺,孩子们从手机上删除应用程序“几乎不可能”.


Lauer不是该应用程序的粉丝,称它向前迈进了一步,但是Tamron Hall看到了它的潜力.

“我付账单而你却无视我?”腾龙霍尔说。 “激活应用程序。”


莫拉莱斯说:“我想你只是拿走手机。” “你说,嘿,我知道你一直在忽略我的电话,所以我拿着那部电话。”

Android手机的应用程序售价1.99美元。 Standifird说她正在开发iPhone的版本.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have children, but I can understand the frustration of parents when their children ignore their calls and messages. The “Ignore No More” app created by Sharon Standifird seems like a useful tool for parents to ensure their children respond to their calls. The app allows parents to remotely lock their childs phone until they contact them or emergency services. While some may argue that taking away a childs phone is a better solution, the app provides an alternative for parents who want to ensure their childs safety while still allowing them to have their phone. It is interesting to see how technology can be used to solve everyday problems, and I look forward to seeing how this app develops in the future.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have children, but I can understand the frustration of parents when their children ignore their calls and messages. The “Ignore No More” app created by Sharon Standifird, a former school teacher turned entrepreneur, seems like a useful tool for parents to remotely lock their childrens phones until they respond. The app allows parents to set a special contact list that their children can call when the phone is locked, and they can also call 911 in case of an emergency. While some may argue that taking away a childs phone is a more effective solution, the app provides an alternative for parents who want to ensure their childrens safety and communication. It is interesting to see how technology can be used to solve everyday problems, and I am curious to see how the app will evolve in the future.

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