










怎么样 to Fight a Baby


至于那些担心自己打得太粗暴的人,麦金尼斯并不关心。 “我的意思是,如果儿童服务带走了我的孩子,我会讨厌,但除此之外,我不担心是否会让人生气,”他告诉TODAY.com.

麦金尼斯说他是一位经验丰富的父母。 “这是我的第三个孩子。你的第一个孩子,你是如此害怕,他们会死,你潜入他们的房间,你把手指放在他们的鼻子下,感受到呼吸。而第二个孩子,你可能会检查偶尔在他们身上,以确保他们没事.


怎么样 to Fight a Baby
Gavin McInnes表示,他并不关心那些认为他和他的孩子玩得太粗糙的观众。“他们的骨头就像橡皮,”他开玩笑说。.今天


由医生和心理学家共同撰写的“The Roughhousing”一书说,通过教他们如何与他人互动并教他们自我控制,公平,马戏实际上可以帮助孩子变得更聪明,更有情感智慧。和同理心.

麦金尼斯同意,称直升机育儿对孩子们有害。 “我认为安全摆的摆动太远,”他说.

怎么样 to Fight a Baby
Gavin McInnes的宝宝似乎在“如何打击婴儿”中玩得开心,有一次在父亲的眼中戳他的眼睛.今天


“她认为这很有趣。我们都看了100次,“他说。 “甚至我的婆婆,我的大敌,也没关系。她担心我的眼睛。“

他的视频的轻浮可能不会让跟随麦金尼斯的人感到惊讶;他是副杂志的联合创始人,现在帮助运营Street Carnage这两个网站,这两个网站都有一种傲慢的语调。但他欣然承认父母身份改变了他.

“生孩子是发生在我身上的最好的事情。我所有的朋友都等到太晚了,或者他们说他们还没有准备好,因为它太贵了或什么的,”他说。 “嗯,它的价格和你想要的一样贵。它也非常有用,而且很容易。”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding. The article discusses a controversial YouTube video by New York writer and father of three, Gavin McInnes, titled “How to Fight a Baby.” In the video, McInnes demonstrates wrestling moves on his 10-month-old son, which has sparked concerns about the safety of babies. While some viewers found the video funny and praised McInnes as a cool dad, others expressed worry about the potential harm to infants. McInnes defended his actions, stating that roughhousing can be beneficial for children and that helicopter parenting can be harmful. The article also cites research that suggests rough play can help children develop confidence, self-control, and emotional intelligence. Overall, the article highlights the debate around parenting styles and the role of rough play in child development.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding. The article discusses a controversial YouTube video by New York writer and father of three, Gavin McInnes, titled “How to Fight a Baby.” In the video, McInnes demonstrates wrestling moves on his 10-month-old son, which has sparked concerns about the safety of babies. While some viewers found the video funny and praised McInnes as a cool dad, others expressed worry about the potential harm to infants. McInnes defended his actions, stating that roughhousing can be beneficial for children and that helicopter parenting can be harmful. The article also cites research that suggests rough play can help children develop confidence, self-control, and emotional intelligence. Overall, the article highlights the debate around parenting styles and the role of rough play in child development.

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