


对于2岁的Jackson Coley的家人来说,他11月份对白雪公主的温柔访问不仅仅是一个甜蜜的时刻 – 这是一个突破。杰克逊是一名不与陌生人互动的害羞男孩,在沃尔特迪斯尼世界之旅两周后被诊断出患有非言语自闭症.

雪 White, autistic boy
去年秋天,杰克杰克科利在访问沃尔特迪斯尼世界期间与白雪公主一起被带走了.由Amanda Coley友情提供

当他的儿子为公主摔倒时,他的母亲Amanda Coley哭得很开心,因为看到他与一个他不认识的人做了如此美妙的联系而高兴极了.


“我看到了感情,我看到了幸福和那种看起来他如此放松,以至于他并不紧张或害怕,”她补充说。 “他根本没有对她的任何恐惧。他不是那样的。“

随着标题为“自闭症和迪斯尼 – 当你2岁的孩子爱上了白雪公主”时,科利在她的Facebook页面上发布了一个会议视频,上周它的观看量超过了600万,半。出于隐私原因,她于5月9日隐藏了视频,将其重新发布到YouTube和她运行的Facebook页面,迪士尼冒险和自闭症.



“它从恐惧到害羞各不相同,”科利说。 “对于一些人来说,他会哭泣或者其他人会退缩而忽略。他忽略了他这个年龄的孩子。他喜欢看他们比赛,但他不会与他们互动。“

在他们的迪士尼之旅中,Ethan带着他最小的弟弟,穿着Pinocchio,来迎接服装角色。 “他们这么快,”科利谈到这些访问。 “他们会把他拉进去快速拥抱他会离开。”


“令我们惊讶的是,他没有起床离开,”科利说。 “他只是突然融化,完全满足。”

雪 White, autistic boy
阿曼达科利说她2岁的儿子爱上了白雪公主.由Amanda Coley友情提供


“这几乎是一个小突破,他不会总是那么害怕其他人,”她说。 “他会坐在那里让其他人爱他。”

自闭症 boy disney
除了白雪公主,Jack Jack Coley还喜欢Mickey Mouse.Amanda Coley的追求


“把他们带到地方试试,”科利说。 “我们不知道杰克杰克会怎样对白雪公主做出反应。你真的永远都不会知道接触到它们的是什么,并从它们身上带来你不习惯看到的反应。“

雪 White, autistic boy
Jack Jack Coley和他的兄弟Landon和Ethan.由Amanda Coley友情提供


“也许这是一种安全感,”她说。 “他只是非常放松和快乐。它让他平静下来,让他真的很开心。“

TODAY.com的撰稿人Lisa A. Flam是纽约的新闻和生活方式记者。在Twitter和Facebook上关注她.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “His brown eyes looked into her eyes, he leaned on her, smiling, and finally, his little head rested on Snow Whites knee, rubbing his hair while holding her. For the family of 2-year-old Jackson Coley, his gentle visit to Snow White in November was not just a sweet moment – it was a breakthrough. Jackson is a shy boy who does not interact with strangers and was diagnosed with nonverbal autism after a two-week trip to Walt Disney World last year. During their visit, Jackson was taken away with Snow White. When his son fell for the princess, his mother Amanda Coley cried tears of joy because she was happy to see him make such a wonderful connection with someone he did not know. “It still makes me cry because I remember how special this moment was because he doesnt do these things with other people,” Coley told TODAY.com. “I saw emotions, I saw happiness, and that kind of relaxation where he wasnt nervous or scared,” she added. “He wasnt like that.” With the title “Autism and Disney – When Your 2-Year-Old Falls in Love with Snow White,” Coley posted a meeting video on her Facebook page, which last week had over 6 million views. For privacy reasons, she hid the video on May 9 and reposted it to YouTube and her Facebook page, Disney Adventures and Autism. Jackson, whom his family calls Jack Jack, is very social and cute for his parents and brothers, 13-year-old Ethan and 9-year-old Landon. He has high-functioning autism and works well with therapists at home in North Carolina. However, the youngest Coley brother is not social or interested in most other people, even his grandparents and other relatives. “Its different from fear to shyness,” Coley said. “For some, he will cry or others will withdraw and ignore. He ignores children his age. He likes to watch them play, but he doesnt interact with them.” On their Disney trip, Ethan brought his youngest brother, dressed as Pinocchio, to greet the costume characters. “Theyre so fast,” Coley said of these visits. “Theyll pull him in for a quick hug and leave.” But Snow White was a little different. With Coley taking photos and her

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages upon request. Please let me know which language you would like the text to be translated into.

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