





该广告是屡获殊荣的公关公司ÅkestamHolst与瑞典斯德哥尔摩Mercene Labs合作的心血结晶.

该产品经理Jonas Hansson告诉TODAY,广告背后的技术让Mercene Labs开发了四个月.


IKEA wants you to

正如一位Twitter用户指出的那样,该广告可以作为免费怀孕测试使用 – 但我们不会推荐它.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Yes, you read that right. Everyones favorite Swedish furniture retailer, IKEA, is having a promotion that will make you ask: what will you do to make sales better? If your answer includes “urinating in a magazine,” then youre in luck. According to Adweek, a popular Swedish womens magazine featured a print ad for one of IKEAs baby cribs that offered a discount for pregnant women. But this bargain isnt for the faint of heart (or parents-to-be). To get the special discounted price, you must pee on the ad, which includes a hidden pregnancy test. If the test result is positive, a “family price” with a special discount will appear on the paper a few minutes later. The award-winning PR company ÅkestamHolst and Swedish Stockholm Mercene Labs collaborated on this innovative ad. The product manager Jonas Hansson told TODAY that the technology behind the ad took Mercene Labs four months to develop. Hansson described the experience as “fun” and “creative,” adding that it “pushed the boundaries of our normal technology.” IKEA hopes you can save money in this innovative yet crude ad. As one Twitter user pointed out, the ad can be used as a free pregnancy test – but we wouldnt recommend it. The normal price for the baby crib seems to be 995 Swedish kronor, or about $121. But after a fertile sprinkle, the price drops to $60. An IKEA representative told TODAY that unfortunately, the company has no plans to run the ad in any magazines outside of Sweden. However, we still have many questions. What if someone who is adopting a child wants the discounted price? Do you have to show the pee ad to the cashier (do they have to accept it)? And what if youre not pregnant but ask a pregnant friend to pee for you because you just like bargains? One thing is for sure: this idea certainly brings a new meaning to the phrase “baby shower.”

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