




动物 Adventure Park Giraffe Cam
不,还没有宝贝,Alysia。哦,你厌倦了等待?已经15个月了,Alysia。对于这个孩子来说,没有人比我,4月的长颈鹿,我.动物冒险公园长颈鹿凸轮/ YouTube

有趣的事实:长颈鹿活跃劳动的第一个真正迹象就是你能看到蹄子出来的时候。是的,蹄子从我的hoo-ha出来。 TMI?对你来说有点太真实了吗?看,那就是诞生。它太乱了,如果你不能处理蹄子那么可能只是备份并给我一些隐私来做我的长颈鹿妈妈的事情.


四月 the pregnant giraffe


顺便说一句,我在Toys R Us注册了。关于徽标的一些东西对我说.

编者注:4月怀孕的长颈鹿专门与今天的父母分享这篇文章,通过与编辑Rebecca Dube的心灵交流,代表每个已经过了她约会的孕妇,觉得整个世界都在看着她.




About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Hello, internet people. I am April, the pregnant giraffe, and I understand that you are interested in the imminent birth of my calf. This is a moment of joy that deserves celebration, and I am happy to share my happiness with the hundreds of thousands of people watching the YouTube livestream. However, the news reports asking “where is that baby already?” are not helpful. Look, I have been pregnant for 15 months. Fifteen. Trust me, no one is more suited for this calf than me. Oh, I look big? What a charming observation. My belly looks like its about to pop? Wow, that original comment I havent heard every day for the past month. Two in there? No, just the one, thank you very much for your interest in Mrs. Not-A-Veterinarian. Im sorry if my prolonged pregnancy is frustrating or boring for you. For me, its a non-stop party, incubating a 150-pound mammal inside me. Im not a real doctor or veterinarian. Im a giraffe. My brain is proportionate to my body size, which is very small. But even so, I know that staring at a pregnant belly and loudly asking “have you had that baby yet?!” is not an effective way to induce labor. By the way, theres an app for that. No, theres no baby yet, Alysia. Oh, youre tired of waiting? Its been 15 months, Alysia. No one is more ready for this calf than me, April the giraffe. Fun fact: the first real sign of active labor for a giraffe is when you can see the hooves coming out. Yes, hooves coming out of my hoo-ha. TMI? Too real for you? Look, thats birth. Its messy, and if you cant handle hooves, then maybe just back up and give me some privacy to do my giraffe mom thing. Yes, this L&D room is a bit sparse, but you know what? I like sparse. I like plenty of food, natural light, and good nurses keeping the food coming. You know what it doesnt have? Lions. No complaints from me about that. How are you doing, little guy? Hey

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