



“在约翰去世后,大卫总是在那里为肖恩和我,”一部分标题与Ono,Bowie和John Lennon合影。 “当肖恩在瑞士的寄宿学校时,大卫会接他并带他去参观博物馆,让肖恩在他在日内瓦的录音室里闲逛。”




“约翰和大卫互相尊重,”她的声明写道。 “他们在智力和才能方面都很匹配。由于约翰和我的朋友很少,我们觉得大卫和家人一样亲密。”




82岁的小野说:“对于肖恩而言,这正在失去另一位父亲的身影。” “我知道,这对他来说很难。但我们有一些美好的回忆会永远留在我们身边。”


40岁的Sean Ono Lennon周一以自己的Instagram致敬回应了这些观点.

“绝对是毁灭性的新闻,”肖恩的标题写道,伴随着鲍伊的黑白照片。 “我很幸运能够认为你是朋友.R。我会感谢你们所做的一切。”

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Chris Serico.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the article into English for better understanding:

    In a post on Instagram last Monday, Yoko Ono praised the late David Bowie for becoming a “father figure” to her son Sean after her husband John Lennon died in 1980. Ono shared a photo of herself, Bowie, and Lennon, and wrote, “After John died, David was always there for Sean and me. When Sean was at boarding school in Switzerland, David would pick him up and take him on trips to museums and let Sean hang out at his recording studio in Geneva.” Bowie, who secretly battled cancer for 18 months, died on Sunday at the age of 69. Ono and Bowie had formed an alliance decades ago with the Beatles singer-songwriter. “John and David respected each other,” her statement read. “They were well matched in intellect and talent. As John and I had very few friends we felt David was as close as family.” Although Onos loss is difficult, it may be even more difficult for her son, a musician. “For Sean, this is losing another father figure,” said the 82-year-old Ono. “It will be hard for him, I know. But we have some sweet memories which will stay with us forever.” Sean Ono Lennon, 40, responded to these sentiments with his own tribute on Instagram on Monday. “Absolutely devastating news,” Seans caption read, accompanied by a black-and-white photo of Bowie. “I feel so lucky to have considered you a friend. R.I.P. Thank you for everything.”

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