





虽然我们经常把“退回”作为抓住额外一小时shuteye的时间,但我们中的许多人 – 包括孩子 – 并没有真正受益,因为我们已经睡眠不足并且往往会熬夜或睡觉新泽西州Meridian Health的睡眠医学主任Carol Ash博士说,周末.

然而,知道时间变化的重要性在于,它可以破坏正常的内部睡眠节律和身体系统,如新陈代谢,因为我们不再与外部环境同步 – 当它变得明亮和黑暗时 – 并且最终会感觉到喷射滞后.


睡眠 baby girl

“你的内部时钟不会像你在闹钟上转动表盘一样快速移动,”她说。 “它不会那么快。它就像一只乌龟,而这一小时远远超过内部时钟的设计目标。它太突然了。”


“唤醒和睡眠的时间对我们的整体身体健康和心理健康非常重要,”Ash说。 “它会影响我们体内的每一种机制。”

没有人想要一个胡思乱想的孩子。为了让你的家庭为时间的变化做好准备,Ash建议在每个人之后逐渐改变睡前时间,但是在周日前几天最小的婴儿。尝试让孩子 – 和你自己 – 每周晚上15分钟后开始睡觉,比周五和周六的正常睡觉时间晚一个小时.






6个月以上的新生儿: 他们的昼夜节律尚未发育,因此他们会在他们想要的时候睡觉和醒来。在更改时间内,您无需做任何不同的事情.

六个月到三岁: 确保你坚持睡前常规,让孩子在昏昏欲睡时上床睡觉。避免开始任何不良习惯 – 比如摇摆或揉背 – 让他们入睡。午睡时间也可以在时间变化之前移动.

四到六: 睡前不久就要避开电子设备尝试让他们看一看并让他们参与时间变化过程.

七到十二点: 这些孩子(也是老年人)应该在睡觉前一小时藏匿手机。她说:“真的要确保你的电子产品不受影响。” “那光会干扰转变的能力。”

青少年: 青少年往往已经有一个延迟的内部时钟,因此要求他们熬夜不难。但是屏幕和手机发出的光线可以让他们的睡眠时间太晚,所以一定要把它们放好。在时间变化之后,早上会有更多的光线(直到日子开始变得更短),让外面的青少年进入光线将有助于他们调整.

一年中这个时候的变化通常比春天更容易,因为让孩子们熬夜并不难。 Ash说,现在是重温所有年龄段孩子的日常生活的好时机,以确保他们能够获得所需的睡眠。如果您在时间变化之前没有机会做好准备,请耐心等待。调整通常需要几天时间.

“第一周,如果你没有做出任何改变,只要认识到这可能是一个充满挑战的一周,”Ash说。 “它会让每个人都失望。”

TODAY.com的撰稿人Lisa A. Flam是纽约的新闻和生活方式记者。在Twitter上关注她.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, you may not be thinking about your childs sleep schedule this weekend. But dont forget that this is also the weekend of the semi-annual time change. When daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, most Americans will turn their clocks back one hour. Although we often see “falling back” as an opportunity to grab an extra hour of shuteye, many of us – including children – dont really benefit because we are already sleep-deprived and tend to stay up late or sleep in on weekends, said Dr. Carol Ash, director of sleep medicine at Meridian Health in New Jersey. However, knowing the importance of the time change is that it can disrupt normal internal sleep rhythms and bodily systems, such as metabolism, because we are no longer synchronized with the external environment – when it becomes light and dark – and eventually feel jet-lagged. Ash said thats because the body cant adapt to the hour change. This takes time. Even an hours time change can affect our bodies. Adjusting the internal clock failure affects emotions, emotions, immune system, stress levels, memory, learning, and coping abilities. “Wake-up and sleep time is very important for our overall physical and mental health,” Ash said. “It affects every mechanism in our body.” No one wants a child who is lost in thought. To prepare your family for the time change, Ash recommends gradually changing bedtime for everyone, but the youngest babies, after everyone, but on Sunday. Try to get children – and yourself – to sleep 15 minutes later every weeknight than normal bedtime on Friday and Saturday. The goal is to get everyone to wake up an hour later on Saturday morning until its equivalent to Sunday morning, but no longer. The most important thing is to expose the correct time to sunlight to reset the internal clock. If children or adults are sleep-deprived, its best to take a nap rather than sleep too late. By Sunday, children should be tired enough to fall asleep at their normal bedtime and get enough sleep before going to school on Monday. Asking children to keep a little bit shouldnt be too difficult. After all, dont kids want to sleep anymore? Here are Ashs age tips to help everyone get the sleep they need to stay healthy

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