


所有冰雹Mama Rock。虽然她养了10个孩子并照顾了17个寄养孩子,但这位妈妈从未停止过提供建议.


“人们一直在问我,’你是怎么养育那么多孩子的?’”Mama Rock在接受TODAYshow.com电话采访时说道。 “或者他们告诉我,’当你和孩子谈论职业道德时,我会听。’”

事实上,这种反馈是她写这本书的主要原因之一。所以Mama Rock总是知道她的儿子会成为家喻户晓的名字?

“我知道克里斯会出名,”她说。 “我只是认为这是因为他的写作。在他的内心,他有一本书,甚至可能是普利策。“


“我把它们提升为伟大的。伟大并不意味着成为电影明星或艺术家。成为优秀人才的绝佳手段。“很明显为什么Mama Rock成为一名教育工作者。她一直在教导,支持和帮助他人.

开始作为一项教学工作,帮助她的父母,让她离开南卡罗来纳州吉姆克劳最终成为她真正的呼唤。 17年来,她一直在纽约教育和经营幼儿园和日托中心,先回到南卡罗来纳州.


Mama Rock的许多个人经历塑造了她课堂的动态以及她的教学风格.



Rose Rock有一份礼物 – 能够超越孩子的表面,看到他们真正的潜力。当她在教室里看到肮脏的孩子时,她并没有责怪他们的父母或将他们拒之门外。相反,她帮助了他们。作为非营利性青年赋权组织Rock This 619的创始人,她仍然在帮助她。 (这个名字来自她养育孩子的家,在布鲁克林贝德福德 – 斯图维森特区的迪卡特街619号,也是克里斯洛克制作的CW情景喜剧“每个人都讨厌克里斯”中虚构的摇滚家族的家。)尽管如此她的教学生涯已经结束,所有的孩子都长大了,搬出去了,作为母亲的快乐从未消失过.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Rose Rock definitely knows a thing or two about raising children. Comedian Chris Rocks mother says that a key to keeping children in line is to declare, “Im the boss. Im not your friend.” Mama Rock, despite raising 10 children and caring for 17 foster children, has never stopped giving advice. She spreads her lessons widely through her radio show “Mama Rocks Show” and in her new book “Mama Rocks Rules: Ten Lessons for Raising Successful Children in a Family.” “People have always been asking me, How did you raise so many children?” Mama Rock said in a phone interview with TODAYshow.com. “Or they tell me, Ill listen when you talk about work ethics with your children.” In fact, this feedback was one of the main reasons she wrote the book. So Mama Rock always knew her son would become a household name? “I knew Chris would be famous,” she said. “I just thought it would be because of his writing. In his heart, he has a book, maybe even a Pulitzer.” And her admiration is not just for Chris; it applies to all children. “I elevate them to greatness. Greatness doesnt mean being a movie star or an artist. It means being a great talent.” Its clear why Mama Rock became an educator. She has always been teaching, supporting, and helping others. Starting as a teaching job helping her parents, it eventually became her true calling, leaving Jim Crow in South Carolina for good. For 17 years, she has been teaching and running daycare centers in New York, then returning to South Carolina. “Being a teacher is what I should be doing,” she said. Mama Rocks many personal experiences shape the dynamics of her classroom and her teaching style. “I grew up in a time when a teacher wasnt really taught to care for children. If you were light-skinned, had long hair, and dressed well, then black children would be favored. I had light skin and long hair, but not the clothes. “When I became a teacher, I said I would love all the dirty kids. Every day, I make sure theres a flat bag with soap and extra clothes so I can catch that child at the door.” Rose Rock has a gift – the ability to see beyond

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