


一个有幽默感的田纳西州家庭恳求他们的产科医生让他留在他的服装中作为Heath Ledger的蝙蝠恶棍从“黑暗骑士”在万圣节送他们的女儿,而不是回家改变.

博士 Paul Locus of the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee delivers Oaklyn Selph on Halloween while wearing a Joker costume at the parent's request.
田纳西州巴黎亨利郡医疗中心的保罗·洛克斯博士在万圣节期间送了婴儿奥克林·塞尔夫,同时根据父母的要求穿着小丑服装.由Justin Selph友情提供


“我认为看到他在送货室打扮,它确实可以带走我正在做的一切和痛苦,”布列塔尼告诉今天。 “这是一个很好的笑,它让我感到平静。”

博士 Paul Locus of the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee delivers Oaklyn Selph on Halloween while wearing a Joker costume at the parent's request.
布列塔尼塞尔弗和她刚出生的女儿奥克林.由Justin Selph友情提供

骄傲的爸爸,贾斯汀说,这对夫妇在布列塔尼的水破了之后,当他们在中午到达医院后,洛杉矶进入完整的化妆和紫色服装时感到“震惊”。 “我立刻上了Facebook Live,并认为这对视频来说太好了,”他说.


博士 Paul Locus of the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee delivers Oaklyn Selph on Halloween while wearing a Joker costume at the parent's request.
不是开玩笑!小丑(又名Dr Paul Locus)与婴儿Oaklyn Selph在万圣节交付后.由Justin Selph友情提供

“我们有点想到,如果他留在产房,那会很酷,”贾斯汀说。 “他是一个真正的家伙,也是一项很好的运动。他甚至会偶尔用小丑的声音说话。”


年轻 Brenden was delighted that his new baby sister was delivered by The Joker!J
年轻的Brenden很高兴他的新妹妹由The Joker送出!由Justin Selph友情提供

在奥克林诞生之后,洛克斯后来递交了家庭祝贺卡 – 由“小丑博士”签名。

这不是第一次友好的医生与他的病人有一些乐趣。亨利郡医疗中心主任Rhonda Crossett透露,Locus博士从他练习的早期开始就一直在打扮。 “他喜欢加倍努力,为他们提供独特而愉快的送货体验。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about a doctor in Tennessee who dressed up as the Joker from “The Dark Knight” to deliver a baby on Halloween, fulfilling the request of the babys parents. The parents found it humorous and it helped ease their pain during the delivery. The article also mentions that the doctor is known for dressing up in costumes to provide a unique and enjoyable delivery experience for his patients. The experience has also given the family ideas for their daughters future birthday party.

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