

编者按:本周我们欢迎我们的今天爸爸的新工作人员,他们将成为TODAY Parents的常规贡献者。我们每天都会推出一款新的#DadHack,这个节省时间的技巧或节省灵魂的策略让育儿变得更容易一点. 




关于我最好的爸爸黑客之一也可以这么说:Sugar Milk Hack,一个天生的想法,是在失去工作后出于经济需要而产生的。当时,节俭决定了所有问题,包括牛奶消费。与此同时,我的继女们认为牛奶不是营养早餐的一部分,而是更多的液压提升机制,有助于更好地“舀取”含糖的磨砂食品。他们经常留下一个半满的白色液体碗,偶尔会像一个被遗忘的游泳池玩具一样漫无目的地浮动.


罗恩 Mattocks' Sugar Milk Dad Hack.


喝了一小会后,她惊讶地回来了。 “这是什么?”她问道.

“它的 牛奶,亲爱的,“我回答,对自己很满意。添加这个词 什么,大多数孩子都不会听到任何其他的东西,围着它,并要求更多。我的继女吞下了糖奶,然后把杯子砸了下来,白色的水滴从她的嘴唇上滴落下来,像吸血鬼的嘴巴周围的血一样.








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罗恩马托克斯是五个孩子的父亲,是克拉克肯特午餐盒的博客作者,也是这本书的作者,“糖牛奶:当他无法为伏特加喝酒时喝了什么?”他住在印第安纳州,在那里他领导着历史书呆子的秘密生活,并且经常为他对酷玩乐队的热爱而欢乐。在LinkedIn,Facebook,Google +和Twitter上找到Ron

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Editors note: This week we welcome new staff members to TODAY Parents who will become regular contributors. Every day we will introduce a new #DadHack, a time-saving technique or soul-saving strategy to make parenting a little easier. Some may think that a guy with five kids would have a bunch of shortcuts to help ease the burden of parenting. I dont. This is not to say that I lack creativity. Its just that my technical prowess lacks a certain classicism. While many parenting hacks require viral validation through Pinterest, my ranking is still that of the country bumpkin who made a barbecue pit with a ping tool. Effective? Yes. Share-worthy? Perhaps after deleting the best case of Milwaukee. A good example: my teenage son and underage daughter are now at the age where they need deodorant, but they suffer from some form of adolescent dementia that causes them to forget to use said deodorant. Solution: use Velcro nylon fasteners to stick the deodorant to the door frame of the door, and voila, no more stinky kids. This is effective because it is non-traditional. One of my best dad hacks can also be said: Sugar Milk Hack, a natural idea that arose out of economic necessity after losing my job. At the time, thriftiness solved all problems, including milk consumption. Meanwhile, my stepdaughters thought milk was not part of a nutritious breakfast, but more of a hydraulic lift mechanism that helped scoop up sugary grits. They often left behind a half-full white liquid bowl, occasionally floating aimlessly like a forgotten pool toy. I hate seeing food waste. So, seeing about $10 worth of milk poured down the drain every week was unacceptable. The solution was presented in the form of plastic cans and clean dishcloths. Once the girls gave up their bowls, I poured the excess milk into plastic containers and pulled it out of the plates. Then the next morning, I handed the regenerated milk to the cereal. Ron Mattocks Sugar Milk Dad Hack. Today my secret system worked for several weeks, and the kids werent smart. Or I think. After giving my youngest stepdaughter a cup of reused milk as a virgin substitute, arrogance was my downfall. After drinking for a while, she came back surprised. “What is this?” she

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