







“这实际上是一年前的照片,”塞尔比告诉今天。 “我从6个月大的时候开始每年拍摄这张照片。去年,他问我,“为什么我有一个G管?”我告诉他这是因为他是如此强大,因为他是超人。他是Super Chace。我告诉他他比爸爸强,他说,’但你是超级爸爸’,所以我说好了,我也把G管放在我身上。

Chace有一种名为法洛四联症(Tetralogy of Fallot)的东西,一种由出生时四种不同心脏缺陷综合症引起的先天性心脏病。根据国家心脏,肺和血液研究所的数据,这种罕见疾病发生在每10,000名婴儿中的5名中.


由于他的病情,Chace需要喂食管以便每天摄取足够的卡路里,因为口服摄取食物有时会证明具有挑战性。塞尔比说,Chace出生时只有5磅,当他在两次手术后最终出院时,医生很担心,因为他从未学会使用过一瓶 – 他只有一个喂食管.

“当你期待一个孩子时,你并没有计划最坏的情况,”他说。 “你在考虑性别,你会买些什么样的衣服,那些令人兴奋的东西。你不是在考虑’假设’ – 就像,如果我的宝宝有健康状况怎么办?“


塞尔比说:“他不知道自己病情,因为我不会像对待他一样对待他。” “我告诉他,他可以做任何其他人都可以做的事情。体育,体操,什么的。我告诉他永远不要说你做不到。“





“我很兴奋,我很高兴,”塞尔比说。 “我想给人们带来希望并振作精神。当Chace的所有事情发生时,我上网了,看到其他父母经历过类似的情况并且做得很好,看到他们的儿女在21,22岁时长大了。所以如果我能每天帮助一个人,我正在做我的工作。“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Robert Selby may have an impressive set of abs, but the recent selfies he took were not about showing off his physique. In fact, Selbys son Chace stole the spotlight in an Instagram post that has garnered over 118,000 likes. “My son is sucking in his stomach trying to show off his abs like his daddy but all you see are his little ribs,” wrote the 33-year-old Selby in the caption of a photo that shows Chace standing at the same level as his father on a bathroom counter. Both father and son are shirtless and wearing black basketball shorts.

    “I just cut his G-tube and stuck it on me to show support for him. He has congenital heart defects and uses a feeding tube. But as long as Im breathing, hell never fight alone,” Selby wrote. In the adorable image, Chace checks out his muscles in the mirror as he sucks in his gut and sneaks a peek at his tongue from his mouth. The 3-year-old has long scars under his chest from two open-heart surgeries and a feeding tube on his torso below his right rib. Selby shows off his own artificial tube in the same location as a sign of support.

    “This is actually a year-old photo,” Selby told TODAY. “Ive been taking this photo every year since he was 6 months old. Last year, he asked me, Why do I have a G-tube? I told him its because hes so strong, because hes Superman. Hes Super Chace. I told him hes stronger than Daddy, and he said, But youre Super Daddy, so I said, OK, Ill put the G-tube on me too.”

    Chace has something called Tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart disease caused by a combination of four different heart defects present at birth. According to data from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, this rare condition occurs in 5 out of every 10,000 babies. Because of his condition, Chace needs a feeding tube to get enough calories each day since oral intake of food can sometimes prove challenging. Selby said Chace was only 5 pounds when he was born, and when he was finally discharged after two surgeries, doctors were worried because he never learned

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