

旅行的父母受到约束:他们不想从家里通过机场吊一辆重型汽车座椅,或者担心它会在货舱中受损,所以他们选择租车 – 但是汽车租赁公司每辆车的收费在8美元到13美元之间。座位,每天。经过几天的租赁,您可以花费尽可能多的全新座位成本 – 尽管在着陆时与孩子一起安全地选择一个将是一个挑战.





赫兹发言人保拉·里维拉说:“每日租赁费用支付的所有地点的全国库存都比满足需求所需的座位多得多。” (对于AAA会员而言,赫兹的一个席位免收费用。)




六月份在华盛顿杜勒斯登陆后,Nathaniel Kelso从Dollar Rent A Car租用时,连续四个汽车座椅看起来太脏,太脆弱或没有安全夹。他最终为他四个月大的车购买了一个新的汽车座椅,从美元获得部分退款,并在他回到家时亏本出售汽车座椅.




当洛瑞飞利浦降落在奥兰多时,安飞士没有坐在汽车座椅上 – 尽管她提前三次确认可用性。这家汽车租赁公司告诉她,如果她在沃尔玛附近买了一辆,他们会退还她的购买款,这将要求她在那里没有她三岁的儿子坐在汽车座椅上.

在这位29岁的社交媒体经理发送了一些愤怒的推文后,阿维斯找到了一个汽车座椅。 “但损坏已经完成,”她说,“如果没有我自己的汽车座椅,我将永远不会旅行。” Avis没有回应评论请求.

像这样的故事是Alisa Baer博士,儿科医生和全国认证的儿童汽车安全专家,被称为“汽车座椅女士”,他说最好带上自己的.

为了避免凸耳因素,Baer推荐了一些适合旅行的选择。诸如GoGoBabyz Travelmate或Brica Roll N’Go之类的轮式设备可以使机场的导航变得更加容易。对于高达65磅的前向型小孩,Safety 1st Go Hybrid是一款重量为10磅的5点式安全带座椅,并配有旅行包。虽然Go不能在飞机上使用,但它适合于架空垃圾箱。对于助推器中的孩子,Baer建议使用重量为1磅且可放入儿童背包的Bubble Bum助推器,或带有内置加高座椅的儿童尺寸背包Safety 1st Boostapak.



“在度假时将饮食留在家里是一回事,”她说。 “将孩子的汽车座椅留在家里是另一回事。”

关注Ben Popken @bpopken,访问benpopkenwrites.com,或发送电子邮件至[email protected].



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  1. 作为一个语言模型AI,我无法发表评论,但我可以提供以下翻译:

    Topic: Traveling parents are constrained: they dont want to lug a heavy car seat through the airport or worry about it getting damaged in the cargo hold, so they opt to rent a car – but car rental companies charge between $8 and $13 per seat, per day. After a few days of rental, you can spend as much as the cost of a brand new seat – though choosing a safe one to land with your child will be a challenge. So, parents open their wallets. Worse, the NHTSA cannot guarantee that the rented car seats are in a safe condition. Or clean. Or come with instructions on how to install it. Even there. Avis and Hertz car rental companies told NBC News that they offer car seats as a convenience for customers. Hertz spokeswoman Paula Rivera said, “The national inventory of all locations paid for daily rentals is much greater than the number of seats needed to meet demand.” (For AAA members, one seat from Hertz is free of charge.) Meanwhile, Laura Bryant, a spokeswoman for Enterprise, which owns Alamo and National, forwarded a corporate FAQ on child safety seat rentals, which said car rental companies “place a high priority on child safety and protection” and that each seat comes with an installation manual for customers to use. But some parents arrive at car rental companies to find that demand has exceeded the supply of safe available seats. When Nathaniel Kelso rented from Dollar Rent A Car after landing at Dulles in June, four consecutive car seats looked too dirty, too fragile or lacked a safety clip. He eventually bought a new car seat for his four-month-old car, received a partial refund from Dollar, and sold the car seat at a loss when he returned home. The 33-year-old design tech expert from San Francisco said, “We dont expect luxury car seats, but we expect something thats been made in the past few years thats still usable and clean.” Dollar did not respond to a request for comment. When important travel safety components are missing, the pressure on parents flying with children is magnified. While child passenger safety laws vary by state, all states require car seats depending on the childs age and weight. When Lori Phillips landed in Orlando, there was no car seat on the Airbus – despite her confirming availability three times in advance. The car rental

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