Molly Ringwald:’我很害怕’向女儿展示’早餐俱乐部’

Molly Ringwald:’我很害怕’向女儿展示’早餐俱乐部’

如果你在20世纪80年代长大,你会情不自禁地知道Molly Ringwald是谁。这位红头发的青少年出现在约翰·休斯的三部一代电影中 – “16支蜡烛”,“早餐俱乐部”和“漂亮的粉红色” – 在成长和继续前进之前.


“她看过约翰·休斯的所有三部电影,并且喜欢上演,”Ringwald告诉Hoda Kotb和Kathie Lee Gifford。但正如她所说,“早餐俱乐部”是她真正希望能在Matilda上留下好印象的人.

Molly Ringwald:我很生气让女儿看到’早餐俱乐部’


这位女演员说:“对我来说真的很重要。” “这是我一直忍住的那个……因为这对我来说非常重要,我很害怕她不喜欢它。”

相关:Molly Ringwald在’早餐俱乐部’:它代表’一代又一代’

幸运的是,这绝对不是问题。 “她真的和它有关,”Ringwald说。 “她以一种我没想到的方式与它联系起来。”


与此同时,Ringwald目前正在纽约市出现另一部20世纪80年代经典着作“Endearment”的分阶段版本。但是,支持你们自己,X世代:她正在扮演Shirley MacLaine的角色。她怎么可能够老?

“当我第一次接到电话时,似乎不太可能,”Ringwald说。 “Shirley MacLaine有一个完美无瑕,完美无瑕的表演。但是当她获得奥斯卡金像奖时,她才50岁,这意味着她48岁,49岁[拍摄时],我48岁。所以……”

莫莉 Ringwald n Terms of Endearment
Molly Ringwald目前正在“Endearment条款”的舞台上主演。今天



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on this topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English:

    If you grew up in the 1980s, you would inevitably know who Molly Ringwald is. This red-haired teenager appeared in John Hughes three iconic films – “Sixteen Candles,” “The Breakfast Club,” and “Pretty in Pink” – before growing up and moving on. But now she is a mother of teenagers herself, and she admitted on Thursday that getting her 13-year-old daughter Matilda to watch those old movies was not an easy task. “Shes seen all three of John Hughes movies and likes them,” Ringwald told Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford. But as she said, “The Breakfast Club” was the one she really hoped would leave a good impression on Matilda. “Its really important to me,” the actress said. “Its the one Ive been holding my breath about…because its so important to me, I was afraid she wouldnt like it.” Fortunately, that was not a problem at all. “She really connected with it,” Ringwald said. “In a way that I didnt expect.” Meanwhile, Ringwald is currently appearing in a staged version of another 1980s classic, “Terms of Endearment,” in New York City. But, brace yourselves, X-ers: shes playing Shirley MacLaines role. How could she possibly be old enough? “When I first got the call, it seemed unlikely,” Ringwald said. “Shirley MacLaine has this perfect, flawless performance. But when she won the Oscar, she was only 50, which means she was 48, 49 [when filming], and Im 48. So…” Molly Ringwald is currently starring in the stage version of “Terms of Endearment.” Today Yes, theres no getting around it: we all grew up in the 1980s! “Terms of Endearment” is at the 59E59 Street Theatre until December 11. Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on this topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English for those who may not understand the original language.

    “If you grew up in the 1980s, you would inevitably know who Molly Ringwald is. This red-haired teenager appeared in John Hughes three iconic films – “Sixteen Candles,” “The Breakfast Club,” and “Pretty in Pink” – before growing up and moving on. But now she is a mother of a teenager herself, and she admitted on Thursday that getting her 13-year-old daughter Matilda to watch those old movies was not an easy task. “She has seen all three of John Hughes movies and likes them,” Ringwald told Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford. But as she said, “The Breakfast Club” was the one she really hoped would leave a good impression on Matilda. “Its really important to me,” the actress said. “This is the one Ive been holding my breath about…because its so important to me, I was afraid she wouldnt like it.” Fortunately, this was definitely not a problem. “She really connected with it,” Ringwald said. “She connected with it in a way that I didnt expect.” Meanwhile, Ringwald is currently appearing in a staged version of another 1980s classic, “Terms of Endearment,” in New York City. But, brace yourselves, X-ers: shes playing Shirley MacLaines role. How could she possibly be old enough? “When I first got the call, it seemed unlikely,” Ringwald said. “Shirley MacLaine has a flawless, perfect performance. But when she won the Oscar, she was only 50, which means she was 48, 49 [when filming], and Im 48. So…” Molly Ringwald is currently starring in the stage version of “Terms of Endearment.” Today. Yes, theres no getting around it: we all grew up in the 1980s! “Terms of Endearment” is at the 59E59 Street Theatre until December 11. Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.”

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