Mariah Carey,Nick Cannon和孩子们庆祝母亲节 – 看到甜蜜的照片

Mariah Carey,Nick Cannon和孩子们庆祝母亲节 – 看到甜蜜的照片



“America’s Got Talent”主持人的标题显示,全家人聚集在一起“空手道课后的一顿小餐”,所有四位家庭成员,包括5岁的双胞胎梦露和摩洛哥人,都为相机展示了他们的胜利笑容.

玛丽亚 Carey and Nick Cannon

更多:Mariah Carey的双胞胎在好莱坞星光大道演出期间偷走了这个节目


玛丽亚 Carey and Nick Cannon
2012年10月6日,Mariah Carey,Nick Cannon和他们的双胞胎Monroe和摩洛哥人参加在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡举办的活动.盖蒂图片


上一篇:Nick Cannon说出了所谓的分裂:’我爱玛丽亚凯莉’

Cannon甚至庆祝凯莉1月份与娱乐商人(和亿万富翁)詹姆斯·帕克(James Packer)订婚的消息,他们的帖子自我谦逊,并且对未来的配偶抱有很多祝福.

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Chris Serico.

Nick Cannon让他的助手参加新的真人秀节目“Like a Boss”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Pop superstar Mariah Carey started her Mothers Day celebration earlier this year by taking a photo with her children and her ex-husband Nick Cannon. On Thursday, this lovely family reunion photo appeared on Cannons Instagram page. The “Americas Got Talent” hosts caption showed the whole family gathered together for “a little meal after karate class,” and all four family members, including 5-year-old twins Monroe and Moroccan, showed off their victorious smiles for the camera. Although the Grammy-winning singer, 46, and the actor-comedian, 35, who divorced in 2016 after seven years of marriage, remain friendly in public. Cannon even celebrated Careys engagement to entertainment businessman (and billionaire) James Packer in January, with a self-deprecating post and many blessings for her future spouse.

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