Lady Antebellum的Charles Kelley说他的小宝贝带来了很大的变化

Lady Antebellum的Charles Kelley说他的小宝贝带来了很大的变化

婴儿出生后生活从未如此,正如Lady Antebellum歌手Charles Kelley在他的第一个孩子到来后所了解到的那样,在路上的生活也是如此.

在过去,早在Kelley和妻子Cassie McConnell有了他们11个月大的儿子Ward之前 – 并且在他的乐队成员有自己的婴儿之前 – 巡回演唱意味着踢回去和派对.

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相关:Little Big Town的Kimberly Schlapman分享了重大新闻 – 她有一个新的女婴!

“(它)就在你上台之前,你正在给宝宝洗澡并将它们放在床上,然后你必须翻转那个开关,一小时后跳上舞台,试着成为摇滚明星,”凯利解释说。 “这真的很奇怪。”


Kelley计划在Lady Antebellum即将到来的世界巡演中接受Ward,该巡演将于5月开始。虽然有一部分经历他已经很恐惧 – 12小时飞往南非的航班.

“那将是一场噩梦,”他告诉Rare Country.

Lady Antebellum凭借奖学金为TODAY粉丝带来惊喜


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on the topic. However, the article discusses how the arrival of Charles Kelleys first child has changed his life and touring experience with Lady Antebellum. He used to spend his pre-show time partying and playing ping pong, but now he spends it with his son. Kelley admits that the transition from being a parent to a country singer is strange but worth it. He plans to bring his son on the upcoming world tour, although he is nervous about the 12-hour flight to South Africa.

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