(工作安全)Kim Kardashian妈妈模仿照片你真的要看

(工作安全)Kim Kardashian妈妈模仿照片你真的要看

互联网: Still working. Nice try, though.

自从Kim Kardashian的“破解互联网”照片拍摄本周推出纸质杂志以来,这位妈妈大亨已成为互联网模因的主题,将她的背后与从半人马到Krispy Kreme甜甜圈的所有内容进行比较.

一些有创意的妈妈们正在享受卡戴珊不可思议的裸体香槟照片拍摄的乐趣 – 尝试用一点幽默来修复他们的互联网部分.

在Hollow Tree Ventures上发表博客的密歇根妈妈Robyn Welling说,当她的卡戴珊模仿的想法袭击他们时,她和一位朋友正在为另一个项目拍照.


在测试了她的马克杯平衡功能之后,Welling将这张照片发布到她博客的Facebook页面上,说:“当然,Kim Kardashian可以做香槟,但她可以在穿着孕妇装牛仔裤的同时平衡她背后的巨型新奇笑脸杯吗?我对此表示怀疑。”

该 maternity elastic panel jeans really pull this whole look together, we think.
我们认为,孕妇弹力拼接牛仔裤真的可以将整个外观拉到一起.Robyn Welling /今天

Frugalista博客老板Rebecca Gallagher说,当她第一次看到Kardashian的照片时,她对这些照片是真实还是笑话感到困惑。一旦这个想法让她做了她自己的拙劣模仿,她就迫不及待地开始了.



“相信我,如果我的UPS男人那天来敲门,他会有惊喜,”Frugalistablog.com的Rebecca Gallagher说,她的Kim K.敬意拍摄照片.Rebecca Gallagher /今天



您, too, can star in a glamorous photoshoot!
你也可以在迷人的拍摄中熠熠生辉!Kerry Rossow /今天



这些模仿都是为了享受卡戴珊现在臭名昭着的形象 – 不是取笑她,所涉及的妈妈说. 

“最终,(卡戴珊)是一个女人,一个母亲,一个人做出决定,必须忍受其后果,就像我们任何一个人一样。我无法判断她的决定,因为我无法判断她在当地游乐场的“常规”妈妈。但是,与常规妈妈不同,她的名气意味着将所有决定都放在那里供所有人使用 – 所以虽然我不会评判她,但我会开玩笑说她。因为这很有趣,“威灵说.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent trend of mothers imitating Kim Kardashians nude photoshoots in a humorous way. The mothers are not mocking Kardashian, but rather enjoying the fun of imitating her. They believe that everyone has the right to make their own decisions, and they are just having fun with the current trend. Overall, the article portrays a light-hearted and humorous tone.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent trend of mothers imitating Kim Kardashians nude photoshoots in a humorous way. The mothers are not mocking Kardashian, but rather enjoying the fun of imitating her. They believe that everyone has the right to make their own decisions, and they are just having fun with the current trend. Overall, the article portrays a lighthearted and playful attitude towards the topic.

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