Kathie Lee回顾为什么她会永远感激她的’无私’爸爸

Kathie Lee回顾为什么她会永远感激她的’无私’爸爸

父亲节是各地爸爸的庆祝活动;有机会反思我们的生活是如何由我们最关心的男人塑造的。而对于Kathie Lee Gifford来说,记住她的父亲的标志是他无私的善举和重要的教训.

凯茜 Lee and her parents
Kathie Lee Gifford和她的父母.今天



凯茜 Lee Gifford's father Aaron Leon Epstein
Kathie Lee Gifford的父亲Aaron Leon Epstein是美国海军军官和周末爵士乐萨克斯手.今天



凯茜 Lee and her parents
Kathie Lee Gifford和她的父母.今天

爱泼斯坦要求的唯一一件事就是他不会被孤立。在那一刻,吉福德答应他向前走,他总是会在一个爱他的人面前。 Gifford的妹妹Michie Mader承担了成为他的主要看护人的责任.

“我没有三思而后行,”马德告诉TODAY.com她决定照顾她的父亲。 “这和我下一次呼吸一样自然,我的宝贵丈夫也毫不犹豫。他像我一样喜欢我的父亲。”




“我记得当他去世的时候,以为所有的爱和关怀仍然不足以挽救他的生命。直到今天,我依然挣扎着认为我的爱还不够,”马德说。 “我知道这不是我的错,但我的内心不会赶上来。”

凯茜 Lee Gifford's family
上一张全家福照片和我最近的圣诞节,我的Kathie Lee Gifford和她爸爸一起度过。自从这张照片中出现了7个曾孙子孙女.今天



“我的父亲没有狡猾。他不仅是我们家人的仆人,也是朋友和陌生人的仆人。他无私和善良,”她说。 “我从来不认识一个善良的男人。他从不夸耀自己的成就或他妻子或孩子的成就。他满足于坐在后排,让其他人获得荣誉和荣耀。”


“他是我一生中见过的最有道德的人,”她说。 “他的婴儿手指比一生中的大多数人都更加诚信。”

凯茜 Lee with her family
Kathie Lee Gifford和她的家人.今天





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Fathers Day is a celebration for dads all over the world, a chance to reflect on how our lives are shaped by the men we care about most. For Kathie Lee Gifford, remembering her father is marked by his selfless acts and important lessons. Today, according to the report of the Louis Body Dementia Association, Aaron Epstein passed away on November 19, 2002, at the age of 78, from a disease that affects approximately 1.4 million people in the United States. Because the symptoms are similar to other diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, Louis Body Disease can be difficult to diagnose. Initially, like many others, Epstein was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease until doctors later realized that he was actually battling Louis Body Disease. Kathie Lee Giffords father, Aaron Leon Epstein, was a US Navy officer and weekend jazz saxophonist. Today, although the situation is sometimes dire, Gifford says that despite the disease and its effects on his body, her father never complained once. She had to tell him the day his health could not improve, and she felt very discouraged. He did not focus on negative emotions about his situation but assured her that they would get through it together. Aaron Epsteins only request was that he not be isolated. At that moment, Gifford promised him to move forward, and he would always be in front of someone who loved him. Giffords sister, Michie Mader, took on the responsibility of becoming his primary caregiver. “I didnt hesitate,” Mader told TODAY.com, deciding to take care of her father. “It was as natural as my next breath, and my precious husband didnt hesitate either. He loves my father as much as I do.” Gifford says her sister is her hero, acting selflessly like her father. She said, “Misi has a servants heart, and nothing is closer to God than a person with a heart.” This makes it difficult for Mader to deal with her fathers death. “I remember when he died, thinking that all the love and care was still not enough to save his life. Even today, I still struggle to think that my love is not enough,” Mader said. “I know its not my fault, but my heart cant

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