John Stamos和妻子Caitlin McHugh希望更多孩子’尽快’

John Stamos和妻子Caitlin McHugh希望更多孩子’尽快’

这将成为John Stamos和Caitlin McHugh所在地的“满屋”.

新婚夫妇 4月份欢迎儿子比利的新父母希望能有更多的孩子“尽快”。 32岁的麦克休在二月份与54岁的“富勒之家”明星结婚时,最近向今晚娱乐公司表示,她希望“尽快给予小比利兄弟姐妹”。

约翰 Stamos and Caitlin McHugh
约翰·斯塔莫斯和他的妻子凯特琳·麦克休在1月份的电影演员协会奖颁奖典礼上摆出红毯.Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

“现在,比利极度被宠坏了,我们需要分享爱情,他必须分享一些玩具以及所有给予他的东西,”她解释说。 “他需要(兄弟姐妹)让他停下来。如果他是唯一一个,他会得到太多的爱,因为在相当长的一段时间里,我们家里的任何一方都没有孩子。”



这对夫妇 – 周三与My My My Hero合作推出了手镯系列St. Amos Wearable Blessings Collection,以帮助ChildHelp受益 – 主要是为了欢迎健康,快乐的婴儿,但McHugh透露她会喜欢它,如果有的话那天她和斯塔莫斯有一个女儿.


倒叙! Lori Loughlin与John Stamos一起展示了最喜欢的“满屋”时刻


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent marriage of John Stamos and Caitlin McHugh, who welcomed their son Billy in April. The couple hopes to have more children soon and give Billy siblings. McHugh expressed her desire to have a daughter, but ultimately, they are happy with any healthy child. The couple also collaborated on a bracelet collection to benefit ChildHelp. Overall, the article highlights the couples joy and excitement for their growing family.

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