Jimmy Kimmel的万圣节糖果恶作剧让孩子们哭泣,咒骂甚至原谅

Jimmy Kimmel的万圣节糖果恶作剧让孩子们哭泣,咒骂甚至原谅


Jimmy Kimmel一年一度的假期恶作剧再次促使父母告诉他们的孩子他们吃了所有来之不易的万圣节糖果.

再一次,小家伙的反应并没有让人失望 – 至少对观众来说是这样.





吉米 Kimmel Halloween prank
“为什么?!”吉米金梅尔的第七届年度“我吃了你的万圣节糖果”恶作剧声称一批新的骗子.的Youtube / ABC



“那没关系,”有人说。 “那没关系。你可以做任何你想做的事。”另一个提供了真诚的“我原谅你”。


“什么?!”在找到他留在包里的那一片Smarties之前,她喘息着。 “我还有一个。别担心。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Halloween may have ended, but some children have just experienced their treat. Jimmy Kimmels annual holiday prank once again prompted parents to tell their children that they ate all their hard-earned Halloween candy. Once again, the kids reactions did not disappoint – at least for the audience. However, some of those prankster parents may have been taken aback by their childrens reactions, ranging from F-bombs to flipped fingers. “Yes,” a boy responded to his mothers imitation candy confession, “thats why I dont love you anymore.” Another looked shocked as she suggested to a mother that she was too hungry to save herself. “You just need to eat more lunch!” the little guy told her. “Why?!” Jimmy Kimmels seventh annual “I ate your Halloween candy” prank claimed a new batch of victims. Some cried, others screamed, and at least one suspicious son gave his parents a look that said, “I think youre trying to trick me.” But the best reactions came from two boys, each with a very understanding nature. “Thats okay,” someone said. “Thats okay. You can do anything you want.” Another offered a sincere “I forgive you.” Kimmel himself delivered a segment on his show this week, sending a video of his own daughter, 3-year-old Jane, reacting to the prank. “What?!” she gasped before finding the Smarties he left in his bag. “I have another one. Dont worry.” However, when guest host Channing Tatum tried it out, he was asked to forgive his own little girl.

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