Jenna Bush Hager以祖母的甜美传统追随祖母的脚步

Jenna Bush Hager以祖母的甜美传统追随祖母的脚步

夏天即将结束,但在告别本赛季之前,今天的Jenna Bush Hager已经提醒我们,在气温下降之后,记忆会变得多么重要。.

珍娜星期五早上分享了她最近最感人的记忆 – 一个简单的记忆让她和她的祖父一起散步,同时追随她已故的祖母的脚步声.

Jenna Bush Hager回顾了她祖母甜美的夏日传统



“这是和我的爷爷在一起的,”她谈到这次枪击,这是在缅因州肯纳邦克波特的布什大院旅行期间拍摄的。 “他已经94岁,而且他很受欢迎。”


“缅因州的桌子上肯定有一个空座位,”詹娜解释道。 “我们想念她。”


“所以这是一个传统,我认为我的祖母开始了,我们在晚餐后走路,”珍娜说,再次提到与她的祖父合影。 “他显然不再走路了,但是我们推了他 – 我们做了一些我们多年来和她一起做的事。而且非常特别。”

事实证明这是一个美好的方式来限制赛季 – 保持旧的记忆并创造新的记忆.

“这对我们意义重大,”珍娜补充道。 “夏天是个特别的时刻。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Summer is coming to an end, but before saying goodbye to this season, Jenna Bush Hager reminded us how important memories become when the temperature drops. On Friday morning, Jenna shared her most touching memory – a simple memory of walking with her grandfather while following the footsteps of her late grandmother. Jenna Bush Hager recalled her grandmothers sweet summer traditions. “I love moments like this,” she said, sharing a photo of her and her twin sister Barbara with her “Poppy,” former President George H.W. Bush. “This is with my grandfather,” she said of the shot, taken during a trip to the Bush compound in Kennebunkport, Maine. “Hes 94 and doing great.” But she added that its been “a tough summer” for their family, and its easy to understand why. In April, her equally beloved grandmother Barbara Bush died at 92. “Theres an empty seat at the table in Maine, for sure,” Jenna explained. “We miss her.” However, they found a way to include her. “So this is a tradition, I think my grandmother started, where we walk after dinner,” Jenna said, referring again to the photo with her grandfather. “He obviously doesnt walk anymore, but we pushed him – we did some of the things weve done with her over the years. And it was really special.” It turns out to be a beautiful way to cap off the season – holding onto old memories and creating new ones. “It means a lot to us,” Jenna added. “Summer is a special time.”

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