霍格沃茨天堂:J.K。罗琳为她的孩子们建造40英尺的树屋 2023


该 plans for J.K. Rowling's tree houses include balconies, lanterns and cedar roofs made from sustainable wood.
J.K.的计划罗琳的树屋包括阳台,灯笼和由可持续木材制成的雪松屋顶.edinburgh.gov.uk /今天

J.K.罗琳与她心爱的哈利波特系列为数百万儿童(和成年人)带来了一个巫术和巫术的幻想世界。现在畅销书作者的两个年轻人将会实现自己的幻想 – 他们不必仅仅依赖于他们的想象力.


该 fantasy playground will be made complete with a double swing set, stainless steel slide and an attached trampoline.
梦幻游乐场将配备双人秋千,不锈钢滑梯和附加蹦床.edingurgh.gov.uk /今天

如果计划获得批准,作者的年幼孩子,9岁的大卫和7岁的麦肯齐将很快享受一个类似霍格沃茨的游乐场,肯定会让每个孩子都感到羡慕。 (她的大女儿,杰西卡,18岁,但大概她也会喜欢它们 – 谁也不会!)这座两层楼的树屋有像锥形炮塔一样的中世纪繁华,并将通过绳索桥连接起来.

这些计划包含罗琳在她的小说中众所周知的一些神奇元素。大卫的树屋包括一个在入口坡道下面的秘密隧道,可以快速出口,后面还有一个消防员的杆子。但是Mackenzie不必嫉妒 – 她的房子将建在一个陷阱门和藏在里面的绳梯。一只猫头鹰(可能是由海德维希启发)会监视兄弟姐妹的栖息地,而篮子和滑轮将确保他们不必从高跷的塔上下来.

50英尺 cypress hedges will shield the tree houses from neighbors' eyes.
50英尺的柏树篱将遮挡树屋与邻居的眼睛.edingurgh.gov.uk /今天

根据计划,树屋由豪华树屋建筑公司Blue Forest设计。蓝森林公司每月建造3到4个家庭树屋,该公司创始人之一西蒙佩恩告诉TODAY.com。而罗琳的项目绝不是他们所看到的最不寻常的 – 一位前成年客户要求在她的树屋内建造一个12英寸的门,这样仙女们也可以享受这个空间.

罗琳's tree houses must first be approved by a committee because the structures are over 13 feet high from roof to base.
罗琳的树屋必须首先获得委员会的批准,因为从屋顶到基座的结构高度超过13英尺.edingurgh.gov.uk /今天

在安理会官员考虑申请之前,罗琳的豪华树屋工作无法开始。六人必须反对申请,需要得到爱丁堡规划委员会的批准,Sara McGuire,理事会办公室代表告诉TODAY.com.


这个 isn't the first time Rowling has redesigned her backyard. Last year she was given permission to tear down a neighboring house to expand her own garden.
这不是罗琳第一次重新设计她的后院。去年,她获准拆除邻近的房屋,扩建自己的花园.edingurgh.gov.uk /今天




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a summary of the article. J.K. Rowling and her husband, Neil Murray, have applied for permission to build two 40-foot-long treehouses in the garden of their 17th-century Edinburgh home. The treehouses will include a balcony, lanterns, and a cedar shingle roof made from sustainable wood. The plans include some magical elements known from Rowlings novels, such as a secret tunnel and a firemans pole. The treehouses will be built by luxury treehouse construction company Blue Forest, and if approved, will be enjoyed by Rowlings children and possibly become the envy of every child.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a summary of the article. J.K. Rowling and her husband, Neil Murray, have applied for permission to build two 40-foot-long treehouses in the garden of their 17th-century Edinburgh home. The treehouses will include a balcony, lanterns, and a cedar shingle roof made from sustainable wood. The plans include some magical elements known from Rowlings novels, such as a secret tunnel and a firemans pole. The treehouses will be built by luxury treehouse construction company Blue Forest, and if approved, will be a dream playground for Rowlings children and a envy-inducing attraction for every child.

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