IVF与采用:为什么'只是采用'不是答案 2023


昨天,Wendy Walsh博士写到她的信念,即那些想要孩子而不能自然怀孕的夫妇应该采用而不是使用IVF技术。这让A Little Pregnant的博主Julie Robichaux感到很震惊,她记录了她与不孕症的斗争。在这里,她回应了这样一种观念,即采用是父母和地球的更好选择.

作者:Julie Robichaux


我很开放我的孩子是通过不孕症治疗怀孕的,所以我经常听到一个特别的问题:你为什么不采纳?有时 – 很少 – 它是本着诚挚的好奇精神问的,在这种情况下我很乐意谈论我们的选择。然而,更常见的是,这个问题传达了一个隐含的判断,一个我应该为自己辩护的期望:你为什么不做一件简单的事我确信我已经完成了自己?



对我们来说,成本是一个问题,但不是温迪建议的方式。 IVF确实很昂贵,并且可能需要几个周期才能实现持续妊娠。但有些时候,体外受精可能实际上比采用更具经济意义:处于年轻一端的女性,可以合理地希望在三个周期内取得成功,可能会花费较少的资金用于治疗,而不是采用它们。根据您的诊所 – 我们的第一个每个周期收取约8,000美元的费用 – 以及您是否有保险,而大多数人没有,多次尝试仍然比采用更便宜。虽然成功的很大程度上依赖于诊断和朴实的运气年龄,这是完全合理考虑这些因素,看看数字,并决定,正如我在31岁时一样,就是ART(辅助生殖技术)是一种合理利用你的家庭建设美元.

这不仅是我们考虑的财务成本,而且还节省了时间。大多数人在他们已经尝试怀孕一年或更长时间之前不考虑不孕症治疗。采用的现实是,即使在最好的情况下,将孩子带回家也需要数年时间。而且还有可能进一步拖延 – 一位生母确定父母,一个意外收到国际收养的国家。体外受精(IVF)可以大大缩短时间表,这是一个非常有吸引力的前景,而在你生命中没有孩子的又一年过去了.

然而,除此之外还有更多,因为我们总是很清楚,收养不会 – 不得 – 生产孩子以方便等待父母。毕竟,还有其他人参与了有着复杂需求的成熟人群:出生家庭和孩子,他们不仅仅是一个“饥饿的嘴巴”。我不能忽视这样一个事实,即使是最公开,最直接,最直接的道德收养 – 任何人的定义都能成功的收养 – 仍然会带来巨大的损失感。这让我深感忧虑。这只是采用无数复杂性的一个例子。确实没有“只是采纳”,我们并没有能力解决这些问题。这并不能使我们不配父母,但这可能意味着采用不适合我们.

在我们的决定中没有发挥作用的是任何想法,我们应该“拯救地球”或“拯救孤儿”或任何其他结构,减少采用慈善行为的行为。温迪写道,“面对不孕症的父母可能会有机会帮助这个星球。”但是,我们都没有机会吗?不肥沃的人有同样的机会收养有需要的孩子吗?这是一个共同的义务,当不育的人被挑出来承担它,而其他人原谅自己,因为对他们来说容易受到伤害 – 好吧,它很苛刻。而且这并没有考虑到采用自行车而不是驾驶悍马的问题.



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  1. As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the original language:

    Yesterday, Dr. Wendy Walsh wrote about her belief that couples who want children but cannot conceive naturally should adopt instead of using IVF technology. This shocked Julie Robichaux, the blogger behind A Little Pregnant, who documented her struggle with infertility. Here, she responds to the idea that adoption is the better choice for parents and the planet.

    I am open about the fact that my child was conceived through infertility treatment, so I often hear a particular question: why didnt you adopt? Sometimes – rarely – its asked out of genuine curiosity, and in those cases, Im happy to discuss our choices. However, more often, the question conveys an implicit judgment, an expectation that I should defend myself: why didnt you do the simple thing Im sure I would have done?

    Ill admit it; I get defensive. Im angry at the idea that my reproductive choices are up for debate or persuasion. Its a question that someone who has even briefly considered assisted reproduction has checked and rechecked, and we dont take it lightly. You name an angle, weve examined it. Finally. Its nauseating.

    Wendys article gave me the opportunity to do this again. Seven years after we made our initial decision, Im still satisfied with our choice of assisted reproduction over adoption. Of course, everyones reasons are different, and her situation is very specific. These are some of ours.

    For us, cost was an issue, but not in the way Wendy suggests. IVF is indeed expensive and may take several cycles to achieve a sustained pregnancy. But sometimes, in vitro fertilization can actually make more economic sense than adoption: younger women, who can reasonably hope for success within three cycles, may spend less money on treatment than they would on adoption. Depending on your clinic – our first cycle cost about $8,000 per cycle – and whether you have insurance, multiple attempts can still be cheaper than adoption. While success is largely dependent on diagnosis and plain old luck age, its entirely reasonable to consider these factors, look at the numbers, and decide that, as I did at 31, ART (assisted reproductive technology) is a reasonable use of your family-building dollars.

    Its not just the financial cost we considered, but also the time saved.

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