Heidi Klum在与Seal离婚后养育孩子:’我是一个妈妈和一个爸爸’

Heidi Klum在与Seal离婚后养育孩子:’我是一个妈妈和一个爸爸’

离婚一年后,超级名模Heidi Klum开始谈论没有前夫Seal的生活,以及成为四个孩子的单身妈妈的感觉.


海蒂 Klum
Heidi Klum在2015年9月25日的米兰时尚星期在米兰,意大利.Getty Images文件

“事实上,事情已经发生了变化,但并没有彻底改变,”她对杂志说。 “[Seal]从来不是你典型的爸爸,他早上带着公文包去上班,每晚都会在家做晚餐。他经常旅行。孩子们知道这是他工作的一部分。我是一个妈妈,一个爸爸在同一时间。“

相关:Heidi Klum和Seal:’我们决定分开’


密封 and Heidi Klum

“女性能够处理很多球 – 我们可以做一些人们做不到的事情,”克鲁姆说。 “男人通常只玩一个球,即便如此,他们也会喜欢,’我很困惑。我应该把它放在右手还是左手?’他们中的很多人只是在努力弄清楚如何处理那个球时非常困难。他们经常希望我们也能拿到那个球!

相关:Heidi Klum以完美的方式回应唐纳德特朗普的消息


“如果我的皮肤和身体看起来像我25岁那样的样子会不会很好?当然,”她说。 “但事实是,当你生孩子时,你的身体就会发生变化;随着年龄的增长,你会感到皱纹。我喜欢这样,笑得过多,笑得太多了。”

Heidi Klum对唐纳德特朗普:每个女人都是10岁


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English.

    After a year of divorce, supermodel Heidi Klum began to talk about her life without her ex-husband Seal and how it feels to be a single mother of four children. Obviously, life is not much different from when she was married, Klum revealed in a new interview with Redbook on October 20. “In fact, things have changed, but not completely,” she told the magazine. “[Seal] was never your typical dad, he went to work with a briefcase in the morning and cooked dinner at home every night. He often travels. The kids know its part of his job. Im a mom and a dad at the same time.” This couple got married in 2005, and Klum filed for divorce in 2012, but the divorce was not finalized until 2014. Despite raising four children and balancing a busy TV and modeling career, Klum seems to have her busy life under control.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English.

    After a year of divorce, supermodel Heidi Klum began to talk about her life without her ex-husband Seal and how it feels to be a single mother of four children. Obviously, life is not much different from when she was married, Klum revealed in a new interview with Redbook on October 20. “In fact, things have changed, but not completely,” she told the magazine. “[Seal] was never your typical dad, he went to work with a briefcase in the morning and cooked dinner at home every night. He often travels. The kids know its part of his job. Im a mom and a dad at the same time.” The couple married in 2005, and Klum filed for divorce in 2012, but the divorce was not finalized until 2014. Despite raising four children and balancing a busy TV and modeling career, Klum seems to have her busy life under control.

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