Gloria Estefan哀悼失去她心爱的妈妈

Gloria Estefan哀悼失去她心爱的妈妈

格洛丽亚·埃斯特凡今天在哀悼她的母亲格洛丽亚·法哈多(Gloria Fajardo)因病去世而于周二晚上去世。她88岁.

格洛丽亚 Estefan and mother Gloria Fajardo
Gloria Estefan和母亲Gloria Fajardo在2005年Estefan的好莱坞星光大道仪式上. 斯图尔特库克/ AP




正如迈阿密先驱报报道的那样,在古巴革命后逃离该国时,法哈多将埃斯特凡从古巴带回来。埃斯特凡继续成为国际知名的音乐家,他的故事最近在百老汇音乐剧“On Your Feet”中讲述。

Emily关于她的abuela的帖子实际上已经让那位年长的女人成为了一个粉丝跟随“Rapuela” – 因为她会说唱他们!


告别,Gloria Fajardo.

在Twitter上关注Randee Dawn.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Gloria Estefans mother, Gloria Fajardo, passed away on Tuesday night due to illness. She was 88 years old. Estefan regularly posted on Instagram about her mothers health, sharing prayers and requests for understanding. Despite Fajardos illness, Estefan apparently did not realize the end was so close: she recently canceled a concert on July 15 due to her mothers illness. In the post announcing Fajardos death, Estefan pointed out that the timing coincided with the same amount of time since Fajardos own mother passed away 32 years ago. Fajardo brought Estefan back from Cuba when she fled the country after the revolution. Estefan continued to become an internationally renowned musician, and her story was recently told in the Broadway musical “On Your Feet.” Emily Estefans post about her abuela has actually made the elderly woman a fan-following “Rapuela” – because she can rap for them! Clearly, talent and performance are both done in the family. Farewell, Gloria Fajardo.

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