Daphne Oz对她的产后身体有所了解:“仍怀孕3个月”

Daphne Oz对她的产后身体有所了解:“仍怀孕3个月”

Daphne Oz在生下第三个孩子近两个月后,正在分享她自己的坦率照片,向新妈妈展示怀孕后的身体 好像.

“产后七周,仍然看着怀孕三个月,”Instagram上的“The Chew”的前联合主持人写道,同时还穿着内衣拍照。 “没有反弹,它都是向前和向上的。”


“每天都有辉煌的时刻,也有相当数量的WTF,”31岁的奥兹继续说道。 “我特别希望新妈妈能够听到这一点,因为我们看到了很多光滑的母性,而不是真正的三维生活总是如此复杂(并且更好)。”




她写道:“对于你们所有人来说,我觉得这样的照片是安全的,因为我觉得我们的皮肤感觉很好 – 无论我们是否想要减肥或增加体重,无论我们是否有婴儿。” “我们一直受到审查。我并不完美,我没有达到目标,我仍然首先看到我的所有缺陷。但进步就是一切,一种积极的感觉会引发另一种感觉。“




Oz和她的丈夫John Jovanovic在12月欢迎Domenica Celine进入这个世界。这对夫妇还有一个3岁的女儿Philomena Bijou和一个2岁的儿子Jovan Jr.

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    Daphne Oz is sharing candid photos of her post-pregnancy body two months after giving birth to her third child, showing new mothers what pregnancy can really look like. “Seven weeks postpartum and still looking three months pregnant,” wrote the former co-host of “The Chew” on Instagram, while posing in her underwear. “No bounce back, its all forward and upward.” Oz, 31, continued, “There are glorious moments every day and there are also a fair number of WTFs. I especially want new moms to hear this, because we see so much of smooth motherhood portrayed and not enough of the real three-dimensional stuff that is always complex (and amazing).” Despite this, the nutrition author pointed out that “your experience will be your own,” adding, “Be prepared to be amazed by some things and to shock others. Motherhood is just as complex and wonderful as being a woman.” Oz is no stranger to criticism. Last year, she hit back at body-shamers who targeted her bikini photos on Instagram. “I think these kinds of photos are safe for all of us because I think we all feel good in our skin—whether we want to lose weight or gain weight, whether weve had a baby or not,” she wrote. “We are all scrutinized. I am not perfect, I have not reached all my goals, I still see all my flaws first. But progress is everything, and a positive feeling begets another feeling.” Oz and her husband John Jovanovic welcomed Domenica Celine into the world in December. The couple also has a 3-year-old daughter, Philomena Bijou, and a 2-year-old son, Jovan Jr.

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